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AppDynamics and Opentelemetry collector


Hello Team,


I have an application which produces traces and metrics. I wish to send traces and metrics to AppDynamics for testing. 


I have following questions - 

1) What APIs I can use to ingest traces/metrics to AppDynamics? Please point me to the exact documentation and examples if any. I dont want to use AppDynamics agent for scraping.


2) Does AppDynamics support Opentelemetry collector?  I could not locate any documentation. I found AppDynamics exporter here "" . However I dont know if it is ready for prime time. The last commit was done 5 months back. 










The facility to allow OpenTelemetry traces to be imported into AppDynamics is currently under development (I am product manager for this effort)


It would be extremely useful for me to have additional context around your request, please can you tell me (either via the IDEA thread, or in a direct message if you prefer)


1. What is the application that produces traces and metrics?  It it home-grown or some 3rd party product?

2. What use cases do you want to enable by ingesting trace data?

  2a. Monitoring & Alerting on application response time

  2b. Troubleshooting application behaviour based on analysis of traces

  2c. Other (please give details)

3. What is the relative importance of these use cases to you?

4. Does the application that produces traces communicate with applications or systems that you already have instrumented with ApDynamics agents?  What are these systems?  Would you value end to end troubleshooting?


Warm regards,




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Hello Peter,


Thanks for the response.  How do I send you direct message?






Hi @Machhindra.Nale,


If you take your mouse it place it over Peters name on the community, a popup will become visible and there will be an option to "send message" > click on that  > add a subject and body and hit send!



Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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Hi Peter,


Is there anything you can share on timelines for this? My team uses OpenTelemetry in a pre-production context (automated performance testing) to collect traces of some home-grown applications.  It would be very convenient to be able to share the instrumentation with our existing AppD production use.


