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Analytics search value is different than created metric

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When I run a search in Analytics I get a different value than what I get after tye metric is created with the search. For example I created an Analytics search



Result is for example 800


when I created a Metric from Analytics Search and when I try to use this created metric in a dashboard I get a different value. I tried to use current, value, count, and sum and all don't match:



Not applicable

Hi @Mohammad.Younis


Are you on SAAS or On-Prem?

AppDynamics solution is running on SAAS

Not applicable


Thank you for reaching out to us. I am a Product Manager at AppDynamics working on our Big Data Backend (we call it the "Events Service").

I can see two potential root causes behind why you may not see the data you'd expect in your environment.

First, metrics are computed every minute, whereas Analytics searches can run over longer time ranges. I trust that you've adjusted the time-range to reflect that, which leads me to the second potential issue.

Analytics Metrics are inherently dependent on timely ingestion of the data into the Events Service - after all, you can't query against data that's not "there" yet. Unfortunately, there have been very rare occasions where this has proven to not be the case in our SaaS environment and where we have experienced sustained lag in our system. Our Engg team is already working to build a more robust solution so this failure possibility is greatly reduced.

Should you need further info, I will be happy to coordinate a call with your account manager and myself to discuss in more detail about this functionality.

Thank you,


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