I'm trying to start the Events service nodes but it doesn't work
[root@console platform-admin]# bin/platform-admin.sh submit-job --platform-name AppDPlatform --service events-service --job start( 1/ 7) Load Events Service cluster configuratio...
I'm trying to install the Events service from the Console host:
my configuration
1- host has been added successfully and ssh "passwordless" which is the other host
2- Java_Home variable is defined in both hosts
3- vim /etc/security/...
I'm trying to add Host through on-prem Linux enterprise console Server with below,the machine I want to add is windows in the GUI I added Credential Name which I created through Credential Manager and added the private key for the host...
Hello @Ryan.Paredez I made a couple of configuration and at the end each time I do the installation the ports in each machine changes to For now, the issue was in DNS resolve as I had to make it manual in each machine at/etc/hosts fileto gi...
hi @Gaurav.Soni I'm trying to install the events service from the console but i get Spoiler[root@console platform-admin]# bin/platform-admin.sh install-events-service --profile prod --hosts eventsservice eventsservice-02 eventsservice-03 --data-dir /...
Hi @Anonymous I did the above and still having the same issue in the installation,the error is port 9080 is not pingable even I tried different ways to open make it listening but still the same issue, * I tried with opened and stopped firewall here ...
Hi @Ryan.Paredez I made some edit like ssh by hostname, not only with the IP addressmaximize each node to 25 G ram reinstalled the events service cluster by bin/platform-admin.sh install-events-service --profile prod --hosts 10...
Hello Alan,I got the same issue and after checking the documentation we should scale up events service as long as we run it as a single node especially in the dev & test environment however it's recommended to use a cluster of multi-nodes in a produ...