What do I need to do in anticipation of the upcoming deprecation of static IP ranges for PDX/Oregon SaaS EUM Collector?
As part of a critical infrastructure upgrade, AppDynamics will be deprecating support for static IP ranges for the PDX/Oregon SaaS...
Organizations that use static IP-based ranges for their firewalls will need to update their rules to include a new allowlist domain by May 27, 2022.
Why? Moving to dynamic IP addresses is part of a critical infrastructure upgrade.
See Action req...
The AppDynamics iOS Agent now supports M1 Simlator and XCFrameworks for DEM MRUM
As of the March 22.3 iOS Agent release, DEM MRUM iOS supports use of M1 Simulator and XCFrameworks builds through XCode 13. You can download the new Agent and integrate ...
Hi @Konstantin.Aksenov,
Can you open a support case by going to www.appdynamics.com/support that will help us prioritize the research. I will close this for now and add the solution when we have one.
^ Post edited by @Ryan.Paredez to change Support ...
Hi Sairam,
Unfortunately it seems something is wrong with your environment. I will try to find the right internal team to address it but it will take some time.
I will update as soon as possible.
Hi Sairam,
Can you confirm the following?
Did you get a red pop up on the top right of the screen and what was the message?If you try again do you have the option of selecting an existing mobile app group at step 3?Are you selecting Objective-C or ...