since ‎10-22-2019

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  • 12 Posts
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Hello Team, We are using AppD SaaS to monitor our servers infra metrics. We noticed one of the windows servers went down on 13th April 2022 but when we checked now (18th April 2022) we are unable to see the entry in console. Could you please help me ...
Hello Experts, We need to get the IP Address under the Network tab from all the Servers where AppD MA are running through Dexter. Some of the servers configured with different host name so getting the IP Address will be helpful to find the misconfigu...
Hello Experts,   Greetings!   We have installed 4.4.x version of AppD machine agent on one server but we didn't receive any data from agent to controller. So we upgraded the version from 4.4.x to 20.2.x version. Initially, it collected the data for C...
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