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AppDynamics Controller-managed user accounts to gain SSO access to their SaaS Controller tenants and other resources 

Beginning with the SaaS Controller v23.4 release, AppDynamics-managed SasS Controller accounts will begin migrating to the AppDynamics Identity Provider. Users will gain single sign-on access to Controller tenants and other AppDynamics resources (such as University, Support, and Community), as well as best-in-class identity management.  

Things to know about the migration process: 

  • The migration experience has been designed as a simple process that avoids disruption to your account or your users 
  • Each of your affected users will obtain a new user account with uninterrupted access equal to their prior assigned permissions and rights 
  • The migration experience will be phased in customer by customer, so don’t worry if you don’t see a change immediately on receiving SaaS Controller v23.4 
  • If you want specific timing for the migration to your AppDynamics-managed SasS Controller accounts, you will be able to open a request ticket  
  • The migration experience is a UI experience only.  Any REST API calls by a local user will not be required to migrate.  

How can I learn the details of the Global Identity Provider migration? 

See our Knowledge Base article, AppDynamics Global Identity Migration Experience FAQ. We will be revising it and responding to questions there. 

REMINDER | To comment or raise questions on the FAQ, don’t forget to sign in to your Community account.
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Additional resources 

For added context, see: 

1 Comment
AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Check out the new Knowledge Base article, clarifying questions some people have had about the migration experience. I'm stuck migrating my account because I can't log in, or don't know what do do next. How do I finis...