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trying to monitor a first app, a .NET app

Not applicable

Using the wizard to start the monitoring for the first time. It says agent connected, but stays stuck waiting for data...


In the logs I see this "info" message:


2017-10-03 22:29:04.0252 2416 AppDynamics.Coordinator 1 17 Info ProcessMonitor Process 6508 died before monitoring was started. This is usually caused by the process crashing at startup


I tried restarting IIS many times, uninstall/reinstall the agent.... to no avail...


How do I get this to work?



Not applicable

Hi Irhazi,


It seems your instrumentaed process is crashing when monitoring starts. Please let us know if you have access to zendesk. If you have access, please open a support ticket as it will be better to track the issue there.





Not applicable

I dont think I have access to zendesk... I just tried tonight to download and test the app...


Thanks a lot, 

Not applicable

Hi Irhazi,


We have shared an upload link through a private message. Please use the link provided to share the requested data.




Not applicable

I uploaded the system and app events. I do not nknow how to collect crash dumps, but let me know how if you need me to.


thanks a lot.


Not applicable

Hi Irhazi,


From the event logs we see following .Net error:


.NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.34014 - Loading profiler failed.  COR_PROFILER is set to an invalid CLSID: 'AppDynamics.AgentProfiler'.  HRESULT: 0x800401f3.  Process ID (decimal): 5756.  Message ID: [0x2502].

This occurs when installation/uninstallation in not propeper and mentioned environment variable is not available correctly.

Please stop your IIS and uninstall the agent. Once uninstallation is complete

Please check the system level environment variables if following 2 variables are still present.
If these are present, please delete the values for these variables. Also, please cheche your global assembly cache(GAC), if there are AppDynamics dlls present even after uninstalling the .Net agent. If dlls are present, please remove them from there manually.

To open GAC:


After proper removal of agent. Start your IIS and run the AppDynamics installer with admin privillage.

After installation, it will open the wizard so please follow the instruction on the wizard and reach till the end(allow this is to restart coordinator service and IIS).

If you still see the issue, please upload DotNetAgent folder and event logs, at the same repository.







Not applicable

I tested these changes on second VM that was showing same behavior... agent connects to the cloud serivce, but no data ever appaears....


I stoppped IIS, uninstalled the agent, foudn no DDLs left, deleted %programdata%\AppDynamics. Found  no COR* environment vars to delete. Restarted IIS, then re-installed, but seems to behave the same way.


I will uploaed the event data and %programdata%\AppDynamics... 


Thanks a lot.


Not applicable

Anymore suggestions Ashutosh? am trying to help team debug a prod issue and would have been great if this app proved to be as useful as it appears to be :) Can I call tech support with trial license?

Not applicable

HI Irhazi,


Apologies for late response as I was having technical issues with my laptop from couple of days.


Please upload the latest Event logs and DotNetAgent folder in the upload link provided to you. I dont see any data there as of now.



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