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Machine agent installation steps on linux and windows

New Poster

Hi Team,

I am trying appd trial version.

I have installed AppDynamics machine agent using rpm.

The below is the steps which i have followed

Downloaded the rpm using cUrl From

curl -L -O -H "Authorization: Bearer zAzeGpwVTkzVTVGTDBlQXBsQm5EbHRMcUUub2FyMXJudHF4N3NkR0REZGEycDciLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwcGQtaWRlbnRpdHkub2t0YS5jb20vb2F1dGgyL2F1c3B2bnAzdmtrclNIMk9RMnA2IiwiYXVkIjoibWljb3JzZXJ2aWNlcyIsImlhdCI6MTY2ODkzNjgyOSwiZXhwIjoxNjY5MDIzMjI5LCJjaWQiOiIwb2ExanMxMHQ3ekJjTENnRzJwNyIsInVpZCI6IjAwdWpib2VoMHVBYlNxSUhQMnA3Iiwic2NwIjpbIm9mZmxpbmVfYWNjZXNzIiwiZG93bmxvYWQiLCJvcGVuaWQiXSwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNjY4ODYyOTQzLCJzdWIiOiJiYWxhcmFqdS5nb25lbGFAbWF0dGVsLmNvbSJ9.U0Q1jVf5Rjxvj1-me7vzEA0n7mN823q-tZAfwq5-ShAoab2_qRn5ChOP6xPUartUYqObwcGrC9PFrmo_GamFW87xkH60y_ehjDDA2PhO1KDp4xf8vPOzmQVDiWLdU3IJUajubT8H2D9TeJtmfWjMvlWgnKREFQitkPHd4U1WU6mK5Nwag94YvI3StsPrikRjjXME6M62FzRvx5YQ9fAyF-jGI5qrunSDnfaTUW1UMIEa_TD6FwxbeOnwcd20hTnFOnhDkwrhQaYjHdTI8uJTmxp19GrzdEHiBJUf_SnE3prT2MGN1YNUERuoILKZNuWPIQsT2s-CKzYOdxNlm_7z9w;" "

Given permission

sudo MACHINE_AGENT_USER=myuser MACHINE_AGENT_GROUP=mygroup rpm -ivh appdynamics-machine-agent-
Extracted the rpm
rpm -ivh appdynamics-machine-agent-

Started the machine-agent but machine-agent is not started.
cd /opt/appdynamics/
cd machine-agent/
cd bin/
{root@ip-172-31-91-82 bin]# ./machine-agent
Using java executable at /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/jre/bin/java
2022-11-20 10:49:12.221 Using Java Version [11.0.16] for Agent
2022-11-20 10:49:12.221 Using Agent Version [Machine Agent v22.10.0-3495 GA compatible with Build Date 2022-10-25 03:45:34]
ERROR StatusLogger Reconfiguration failed: No configuration found for '3ffc5af1' at 'null' in 'null'
2022-11-20 10:49:14.759 [INFO] Agent logging directory set to: [/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/logs]
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by$ReflectUtils$1 (file:/opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/lib/guice-4.2.3.jar) to method java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(java.lang.String,byte[],int,int,
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of$ReflectUtils$1
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release

The below is the .yml file configuration.

[root@ip-172-31-91-82 conf]# cat controller-info.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- For more detailed information on different configurations that an agent can support and the respective rules,
consult the online documentation. In general, configuration properties may be set in different ways. Here is the
order of precedence of how the agent will read and respect specific configurations.
1. Environment Variables
2. System Properties
3. Default/Root controller-info.xml. See .../$(Agent-Base-Install-Dir)/conf/controller-info.xml -->

<!-- This is the host name or the IP address of the AppDynamics Controller (e.g., or myhost or This is the same host that you use to access the AppDynamics browser-based User interface. This can
be overridden with the environment variable 'CONTROLLER_HOST_NAME' or the system property
'-Dappdynamics.controller.hostName' -->

<!-- This is the http(s) port of the AppDynamics Controller. If 'controller-ssl-enabled' (below) is set to true, you
must specify the HTTPS port of the Controller; otherwise, specify the HTTP port. The default values are 8090 for
HTTP and 8181 for HTTPS. This is the same port that you use to access the AppDynamics browser-based User interface.
This can be overridden with the environment variable 'APPDYNAMICS_CONTROLLER_PORT' or the system property
'-Dappdynamics.controller.port' -->

<!-- This specifies if the AppDynamics agent should use SSL (HTTPS) to connect to the Controller. If you set this to
true, the controller port property above should be set to the HTTPS port of the Controller. This can be overridden
with the environment variable 'APPDYNAMICS_CONTROLLER_SSL_ENABLED' or the system property
'-Dappdynamics.controller.ssl.enabled' -->

<!-- Set this flag to 'true' to enable features required for AppDynamics Orchestration, including the following:
1) Enables the agent to execute tasks specified in AppDynamics Orchestration workflows.
2) Enables the agent to resolve the AppDynamics Controller host and port when the host machine where this agent
resides is created through AppDynamics Orchestration. -->

<!-- The Machine Agent uses the Java API to get the host name of the agent. The results from the API can be
inconsistent, and the same JVM can sometimes return a different value for the same machine each time the machine
agent is restarted. It is recommended to set this field in the following scenarios:

1) The machine host name is not constant
2) You prefer to use a specific name in the UI
3) The machine has both a machine agent and app agents on it.

This can be overridden with the environment variable 'APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_UNIQUE_HOST_ID' or the system property
'-Dappdynamics.agent.uniqueHostId' -->

<!-- This key is generated at installation time and can be found by viewing the license information in the
controller settings. This can be overridden with the environment variable 'APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY' or
the system property '-Dappdynamics.agent.accountAccessKey' -->

<!-- If the AppDynamics Controller is running in multi-tenant mode or you are using the AppDynamics SaaS Controller,
you must specify the account name for this agent to authenticate with the controller. If you are running in
single-tenant mode (the default) there is no need to configure this value. This can be overridden with the
environment variable 'APPDYNAMICS_AGENT_ACCOUNT_NAME' or the system property '-Dappdynamics.agent.accountName' -->

<!-- If this agent is licensed for Server Monitoring, set this flag to 'true' to enable Server Monitoring expanded
metrics. This can be overridden with the environment variable 'APPDYNAMICS_SIM_ENABLED' or the system property
'-Dappdynamics.sim.enabled' -->

<!-- If this machine is sap machine , set this flag to 'true' to enable is sap flag for ibl licensing
This can be overridden with the environment variable 'APPDYNAMICS_IS_SAP_MACHINE' or the system property
'' -->


<!-- This value is used to create the hierarchy infrastructure view in the UI for this machine. Each hierarchy level
should be separated with a vertical bar ("|"). For example, if this machine belongs to "DataRack1" and it is located
in "Virginia Data Center", then the machine path could be set to "Virginia Data Center|DataRack1|Machine1" and the
UI will display it in that hierarchy ("Virginia Data Center|DataRack1"). The last element of the path indicates the
server name (e.g., "Machine1") and appears as the name on the servers list in the UI. This can be overridden with
the environment variable 'APPDYNAMICS_MACHINE_HIERARCHY_PATH' or the system property

Note: The number of characters up to but not including the last vertical bar must not exceed 95. -->

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