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Agents and Controller connecting but not talking

Not applicable

I have installed a controller on a windows server, and am in the process of installing .net agents on other servers.


After successfully installing the agent software, I proceded to the configuration.  On the page where I specify the controller server, port, and account access key, when I click "Test Controller Connection", I get the green response "Controller connection succeeded."  So firewall and authentication issues have been resolved and the agent can talk to the controller.  great.


moving on to the next configuration screen, the agent again succesfully connects to the controller (as reported in green in the "controller connection status" box), but it fails to retreive the list of Applications from the controller.  the selection for "Existing Applications from the Controller" remains grayed out and unselectable.  


For one server, I tried using the "New Application" text box, entered a new application name, and continued.  While I was able to finish the configuration, then Application did not appear on the controller.

For another server, I selected "Register Machine with no Application" and again was able to finish the configuration.

However, neither of these servers appear on the controller.


So, as I said in the thread title, the agents appear to be able to connect to the Controller, but are not actually communicating any information to or from the Controller.


Any help would be appreciated.  thank you.



Not applicable

When you create a new application and click on next, do you see your dotnet application list and does it ask you to select the app and also select the tier you want to assign to that app?

If you are not getting a list of dotnet application installed on your server then something is not right on your app server.

Re registering machine agent, you will see that by click on setting, AppDynamics Agents -> Machine Agent and you will see the connected server here.


You cannot monitor a server using a dotnet application unless you tie it to the application.

Instead you can use server monitoring agent and monitor the server independently.

Not applicable

I repeated the agent configuration on on server, and after selecting "create new application" and clicking Next, I was taken to a screen where I choose to either let the tiers be created automatically or manually.  Prior, I had selected automatically.  So this time, I selected Manually, and was taken to a screen that listed my applications and allowed me to create and assign tiers.  I did this and proceeded.  The agent restarted IIS, and finished.


Back on the controller, I went to Settings, AppDynamic agents, whereupon it just pops up a blue box saying I need to be running Flash to use this feature.  However, I cannot install Flash on this server due to network security policies.  So I may have additional problems.



Not applicable
Can you try using different browser?

Not applicable

turns out I had installed a v4.3 of the controller and v4.4 of the agents.  once I reinstalled the controller as v4.4, the controller and agents communicated just fine.