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AppDynamics Team (Retired)



Why is the Java Agent reporting a large number of com.singularity.ReflectionError messages? Is there a negative impact of these errors on the Agent?




The Java Agent uses a Reflection API at runtime to find class information. During this process, if the Agent encounters a framework which doesn't comply with J2EE standards, or if there is no support for said framework, the error messages appear in the Agent logs.


These errors often occur when the user has a framework which is not compatible with the Agent (such as different versions), or the user defined a rule which includes an incorrect "getter chain" (info point, custom exit, POJO, etc).


The error messages do not impact the Agent's performance or functionality.

Not applicable

Does this even occur in 4.4 Version? 

Not applicable

We are also getting this too many exceptions to disable it ? 

Also, what is the J2EE standard AppD recommending then?

AppDynamics Team

Hello Maddy,


as this is an internal Appdynamics error and harmless to the application, you can simply ignore the error unless you are getting health rule alerts due to this.
As shown in my attachment, you can filter out the error by unchecking "Show AppDynamics Exceptions".Screenshot.png

Version history
Last update:
‎06-29-2017 10:58 AM
Updated by:
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