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11-29-2023 12:43 PM - edited 11-29-2023 01:03 PM
CONTENTS | Introduction | Video |Resources | About the presenter
Video Length: 3 min 33 seconds
In this demo, see how Cisco AppDynamics can integrate with Flux CD (Continuous Delivery)—a GitOps Kubernetes operator tool that offers a simple and efficient interface to synchronize manifests within CD workflows from GitHub repositories.
See how easy it is to upgrade existing software with just a few lines of code such as when instrumenting new workloads with the OpenTelemetry Agent or customizing a Grafana dashboard.
Learn more about OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation in the documentation.
Charles Lin, Cisco AppDynamics Field Domain Architect
Charles is a Field Domain Architect at Cisco AppDynamics. He joined Cisco as a Senior Sales Engineer in 2019. Since then, he has helped large enterprises and financial sector customers improve their monitoring practices.
As a Field Domain Architect, he focuses on Cloud Native and Open Telemetry best practices and helping fellow team members overcome technical challenges. He holds multiple patents in the area of IT Monitoring and Operations and is a certified Cisco DevNet Associate.
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