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Choosing the Correct Image when the Agent version is => 24

When you are deciding which image to use for the Node.js or Cluster Agent, you can select it based on the title of the image.

The naming pattern that AppDynamics uses for the Node.js Agent is intuitive. There are three segments in the tag, with each segment being separated by a hyphen.

  • The first segment refers to the Agent version
  • The second segment refers to the major version of Node.js that the image was built for
  • The last segment refers to the Linux distribution that it is compatible with

In the latest version of the Node.js Agent, there are only three versions regarding the distribution, Alma, Alma-Arm64, and Alpine.

For all Linux distributions, use the Alma version, unless you're working with Alpine. When deciding between Alma and Alma-Arm64, select Alma-Arm64 for systems with an ARM64 CPU architecture, such as AWS Graviton. For AMD64 systems, choose Alma. Also, please refer to the list below for examples of popular supported Linux distributions. When choosing an image, the following tag "nodejs-agent:24.3.0-14-alpine" indicates that the Agent version is 24.3.0, that Node.js 14 was used to build the image, and that it is intended for an Alpine system.

Popular Supported Linux Distributions:

  • RHEL
  • Debian
  • Ubuntu


Choosing the Correct Image when the Agent version is < 24

When you are deciding which image to use for the Node.js or Cluster Agent, you can select it based on the title of the image.

The naming pattern that AppDynamics uses for the Node.js Agent is intuitive.

There are three segments in the tag, with each segment being separated by a hyphen.

  • The first segment refers to the Agent version
  • The second segment refers to the major version of Node.js that the image was built for
  • The last segment refers to the Linux distribution that it is compatible with

In version 23.x of the Node.js Agent, there are only three versions regarding the distribution which are Slim, Stretch-Slim, and Alpine.

The Slim and Stretch-Slim versions should be used for every Debian-based Linux distribution, and Alpine should be used for Alpine-based distributions. Slim is the smallest Debian-based image optimized for production use, while Stretch-Slim includes a larger set of packages and dependencies from the Debian “stretch” release. When choosing an image, the following tag "nodejs-agent:23.10.0-14-alpine" indicates that the Agent version is 23.10.0, that Node.js 14 was used to build the image, and that it is intended for an Alpine system.

Version history
Last update:
‎11-20-2024 07:32 AM
Updated by:
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