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AppDynamics Team

Guide to Monitoring URLs with Authentication Using Splunk AppDynamics and Python

Monitoring URLs are an important part of your FullStackMonitoring.

Splunk AppDynamics lets you monitor URLs with different authentication. In this article, we will create a simple URL with a username and password. Afterwards, we will monitor it using AppDynamics Machine Agent.

Create a Simple API with Python (Flask)

  1. Install Flask:
    pip install flask​
  2. Create the API: Save the following Python code to a file, e.g.,
    from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
    from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
    app = Flask(__name__)
    auth = HTTPBasicAuth()
    # Dummy users for authentication
    users = {
        "user1": "password123",
        "user2": "securepassword",
    def get_pw(username):
        return users.get(username)
    @app.route('/api/data', methods=['GET'])
    def get_data():
        return jsonify({"message": f"Hello, {auth.username()}! Here is your data."})
    if __name__ == '__main__':, port=5000)
  3. Run the API: Start the server by running:
  4. Test the API: Use curl to access the API:
    curl -u user1:password123
  5. You should see a response like this:
        "message": "Hello, user1! Here is your data."
    Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 6.58.33 PM.png

Install Machine Agent

You can install the Machine agent as recommended here

Setup URL Monitoring Extension

  1. Clone the Github Repo:
    git clone​
    cd url-monitoring-extension​
  2. Download and install Apache Maven which is configured with Java 8 to build the extension artifact from the source.
    You can check the Java version used in Maven using command
     mvn -v or mvn --version.
    If your maven is using some other Java version then please download Java 8 for your platform and set JAVA_HOME parameter before starting maven. Run below in url-monitoring-extension directory
    mvn clean install
  3. Go into the target directory and copy the, Afterwards unzip the content inside <MA-Home>/monitors/folder
    cd target/
    mv /opt/appdynamics/machine-agent/monitors
  4. This will create an UrlMonitor directory inside the Monitors folder.

Monitor the URL

  1. Inside the UrlMonitor folder, edit the config.yml file
  2. Under sites, I have added:
      - name:     AppDynamics
        username: user1
        password: password123
        authType: BASIC​
  3. Change:
    metricPrefix: "Custom Metrics|URL Monitor|"​
  4. Now, All you need to do is Start your Machine Agent again.
  5. Afterward, you can see this URL monitor in your AppDynamics Controller.Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 7.08.50 PM.png
Wayne.Jones II
AppDynamics Team

Thanks Abhi! I love the content and cookbook style of the documentation. 

Version history
Last update:
‎01-16-2025 10:06 AM
Updated by:
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