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AppDynamics Team

Use the health check URL on the Events Service admin port in order to get the status (green, yellow, or red) of the Events Service cluster.


In the command line using curl, enter the <localhost:9081>/healthcheck URL and append the string ?pretty=true to format the output for readability.




curl http://localhost:9081/healthcheck?pretty=true

Note: Replace "localhost" with your public IP/DNS. The default admin port is 9081.


Output example:


curl http://localhost:9081/healthcheck?pretty=true
  "deadlocks" : {
    "healthy" : true
  "events-service-api-store / BizOutcome [stage.extract]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) accepted events: [0.000000], discarded events: [0.000000], acceptance ratio: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / BizOutcome [stage.filter]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) accepted events: [0.000000], discarded events: [0.000000], acceptance ratio: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Build information" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : ", buildHash=d0e4fc0167eff6b5fa974d1f9a8180e5a1e89044, buildTimestamp=2017-03-17T22:06:29+0000, buildNumber=3709, jobName=build-events-service, version="
  "events-service-api-store / Chunking.AllChunksTimer [CatchAllChunkingStrategy]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Duration in seconds percentile distribution, 50%: [0.000000], 75%: [0.000000], 95%: [0.000000], 99%: [0.000000], mean: [0.000000], count: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Chunking.AllChunksTimer [SeriesChunkingStrategy]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Duration in seconds percentile distribution, 50%: [0.000000], 75%: [0.000000], 95%: [0.000000], 99%: [0.000000], mean: [0.000000], count: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Chunking.AllChunksTimer [TimeRangeChunkingStrategy]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Duration in seconds percentile distribution, 50%: [0.000000], 75%: [0.000000], 95%: [0.000000], 99%: [0.000000], mean: [0.000000], count: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Chunking.Counts [CatchAllChunkingStrategy]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) success: [0.000000], user error: [0.000000], timeout: [0.000000], error: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Chunking.Counts [SeriesChunkingStrategy]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) success: [0.000000], user error: [0.000000], timeout: [0.000000], error: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Chunking.Counts [TimeRangeChunkingStrategy]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) success: [0.000000], user error: [0.000000], timeout: [0.000000], error: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Chunking.FirstChunkTimer [CatchAllChunkingStrategy]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Duration in seconds percentile distribution, 50%: [0.000000], 75%: [0.000000], 95%: [0.000000], 99%: [0.000000], mean: [0.000000], count: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Chunking.FirstChunkTimer [SeriesChunkingStrategy]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Duration in seconds percentile distribution, 50%: [0.000000], 75%: [0.000000], 95%: [0.000000], 99%: [0.000000], mean: [0.000000], count: [0.000000]"

 "events-service-api-store / Resource [v3/events/{eventType}/usage - documents]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) success: [0.000000], user error: [0.000000], timeout: [0.000000], error: [0.000000]"
  "events-service-api-store / Rolling index management" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Healthcheck for [Rolling index management]: Is running flag is: [false], last execution successful flag is: [true]"
  "events-service-api-store / elasticsearch-singlenode-module" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Current [appdynamics-events-service-cluster] cluster state: [GREEN], data nodes: [1], nodes: [1], active shards: [11], relocating shards: [0], initializing shards: [0], unassigned shards: [0], timed out: [false]"
  "events-service-api-store / pipelines" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "[1] pipeline(s). biz-outcome: [MessageSourceStage: 1, FilterStage: 0, ExtractStage: 0, UpsertStage: 0]"
  "events-service-api-store / queues" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "[1] queues [[biz-outcome-incoming-events] ratio: [0.00], size: [0], capacity: [1000]]"


The above example shows the cluster state is green, which means fully functional with no unassigned, relocating or initialising shards.


"events-service-api-store / elasticsearch-singlenode-module" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Current [appdynamics-events-service-cluster] cluster state: [GREEN], data nodes: [1], nodes: [1], active shards: [11], relocating shards: [0], initializing shards: [0], unassigned shards: [0], timed out: [false]"




To check the connectivity, use the ping URL on the Events Service default port (9080). A "pong" message means success. 


curl http://localhost:9080/_ping





Version history
Last update:
‎06-05-2017 10:52 AM
Updated by:
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