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Search for a case 

To view an open or migrated case in SCM, navigate to the “Create and Manage Support cases”- view. There you type in the Case ID number (either new or old case ID) in the Search-field and press enter (Figure 1)


Figure 1

Updating a case  

Go to the SCM start page, where under “Cases”, you pick “My Cases” (Figure 2) and select the case that needs updating. Here you edit your case and make sure to save the changes before exiting. 


Figure 2

Upload an attachment to a case   

If you need to upload and attach a file to a case, you can do so when opening a “new case”, or by going to an “existing case”. When opening a new case, you’re prompted to upload an attachment when the case has been submitted. For an existing case, navigate to the “My Cases” view as seen in Figure 6. In the right corner press the “Add File” (Figure 3) button, upload the file and save. 


Figure 3

How can I request to close a case?

You can close a case yourself in two different ways: 

1. Manually

  • Go to 'CASE SUMMARY'
  • Edit


  • Describe how the case was resolved (optional)


  • Case status updates to "Close Pending / Customer Requested Closure"

2. With the Support Assistant

  • From the Support Assistant type 'close the case (insert case number)'
  • The Support Team will close the case

How to reopen a closed case and validity

You can reopen a closed case in two different ways:

1. Manually

  • From Support Case Manager
  • Check closed cases
  • Apply filters
  • Select the case
  • Click reopen on the top right corner

2. With the Support Assistant 

  • From the Support Assistant type 'reopen the case (insert case number)'
  • A case can be reopened only for two weeks after the close date
  • If a case is outside the two-week window, it is recommended to open a new case

Case Satisfaction 

After migrating to Cisco SCM, at case closure, you will be provided an industry standard 10-point scale and asked to choose a value to reflect satisfaction on the support of the case. (Figure 4)


Figure 4

Is there an easy way to manage my cases? Do you have a bot or assistant to help manage cases? 

Yes, we have a Support Assistant bot!

In the bot's own words:
Hello! I can help you get case, bug, RMA details and connect with Cisco TAC. Simply enter the case number as shown in the examples below and get the latest case summary.

612345678 - Cisco TAC case
00123456 - Duo support case
S CS 0001234 - ThousandEyes support case
1234567 - Umbrella support case

You can converse with me in English language or use commands. Currently, I can't open new cases or answer technical questions.

• my cases
• what is the status of (case number or bug number or rma number or bems number)

You can ask me to perform the following tasks:

• connect with engineer (case number)
• create a virtual space (case number)
• create an internal space
• request an update for (case number)
• update the case (case number)
• add participant (email address)
• raise severity (case number)
• requeue (case number)
• escalate (case number)
• close the case (case number)
• reopen the case (case number)
• update case summary (case number)
• show tac dm schedule
• show cap dm schedule

You can mark a case as a favorite and get automatic notifications when the case summary (Problem Description, Current Status, and Action Plan) gets updated:

• favorite (case number)
• list favorites
• status favorites

You can ask me to connect to support teams:

• connect to duo

I can help you manage cases that are opened from Support Case Manager. Currently, I can't open new cases or answer technical questions. Type "/list commands" to get a list of command requests and find details of supported features using the documentation and demo videos.

Additional Resources

Version history
Last update:
‎01-15-2025 11:01 AM
Updated by:
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