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The AppDynamics Community is Migrating this Friday, February 28th.

At 6pm PST, the AppDynamics Community will go into read-only mode and after migration is complete, you will be redirected to
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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

As of 4.2.x, it is not possible to export a CSV file from the controller UI for all of the servers being monitored.


As a workaround, a user must capture the raw data and format it using Google Chrome browser, a text editor (our team recommends using TextWrangler or BBEdit, but any text editor with "Find and Replace" capability is fine), and your computer's terminal. The following instructions apply to any Unix-based operating system such as Mac OS X. 


In Google Chrome, access the server monitoring user interface from the controller UI.


 Servers Dashboard.png



Launch Chrome Developer Tools (ALT+CMD+I) by clicking on View > Developer > Developer Tools in the browser toolbar.


Screen Shot 2017-03-24 at 12.10.27 PM.png



Click on the network tab of Developer Tools, then check the box labeled "Preserve Log". 


Network Tab.png


Refresh the controller UI in the browser and network tab will populate with all the page requests.


Once the page is fully loaded, search for a particular network request in the following format:





Specific Request.png 


Double-click on the request to open a new tab with the desired data in a JSON format. Alternatively, you could select the response tab for this specific request to see the JSON data.


Copy the JSON data and paste in a text editor. Use "Find and Replace" to change the data into a CSV spreadsheet using the following steps.


  1. Find "," and Replace with "\n,\n"
  2. Find },{ and Replace with }\n,\n{\n
  3. Find {" and Replace with {\n"
  4. Save the file in the text editor as hosts.txt
  5. Open a terminal window and run the following command:
cat hosts.txt | grep hostId | sed 's/"hostId":"//g' | sed 's/"/,/g' > hosts.csv



The resulting hosts.csv file will contain a column of hostIDs from your controller's list of servers.



AppDynamics Team (Retired)

These steps are no longer necessary. will allow you to get all detected entities anywhere in a CSV and XLSX format

Version history
Last update:
‎02-20-2019 10:15 AM
Updated by:
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