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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

What naming conventions are recommended when defining configuration objects for Health Rules?


We highly recommend the following standard naming conventions for different configuration items used in AppDynamics because sound naming standards are an important practice for:

  • Efficient identification of objects
  • Understanding data context
  • Navigation
  • Searching
  • Housekeeping
  • Decommissioning efforts

plus more...!


NOTEIn this article, we are specifying standards for setting configuration items' values, rather than methods. See more below.

These recommendations are based on standard configurations and are not intended to be a universal solution, and therefore may not work with custom-configured instances.


In this article...


Naming conventions for defining configuration objects in AppDynamics Health Rules

Successful naming is based on emphasizing the use of common standards. So, where available, use nomenclature that already exists, whether public or company-based. The following tables contain naming best practices for Health Rules, actions and policies, as well as RBAC.


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Naming conventions for Health Rules
Health Rules

{Full Business Application Name}_{Description of alert}

Example: UK Digital_CPU is High

Since Dashboards do not have a hierarchy, the Dashboard name must be used to segregate the dashboards into logical groups:

Actions and Policies

{A sensible, non-technical description of what the action does}

Example: Send Alert to Production Incident Management

{Description of Role or Group}

Apply the overarching naming principle to descriptions

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Overarching principles for naming conventions

Some configuration items do not specify a strict pattern or convention. Instead, we leave it up to you to decide. In such cases the following principle should always apply:


Names chosen for any configuration item should be a sensible, non-technical description.




Use plain language

Avoid too-formal, distancing language

Be descriptive, but concise

Don’t be verbose

Use business terminology where possible

Don’t use technical terms

Make it meaningful to all intended users

Avoid jargon that won’t be familiar to all of the intended users.
When in doubt, leave it out.


PLEASE NOTE: In this article, we are not specifying the method of setting values for configuration items, only standards for the values themselves. In the case of agent configuration properties, use one of the following methods to set the values:

  • Configuration files
  • System Properties
  • Environment Variables

Let us know in the comments below if you have further questions on methods.


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Version history
Last update:
‎02-03-2022 09:13 PM
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