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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

What are possible configuration scenarios for the Machine Agent and SIM and App Agents, and their impact on an extension and its configurations?




APM Machine Agent installation

This case is when a Machine Agent (MA) is configured on the same host as one or more App Agents. For more details, please check APM Machine Agent Installation Scenario.


In this case, if app, tier, and node names are NOT specified in the MA configuration, the MA will be resolved to all the APM app, tier and node associated on that host. So, if in the extension's configuration metricPrefix is configured as metricPrefix="Custom Metrics|Sample Monitor" all the Custom Metrics from the extension will be replicated under all the APM metric browsers associated to that host. 


If the requirement is to see the Custom Metrics under a particular application only, this can be done by specifying metricPrefix = "Server|Component:<ID or Name>|Custom Metrics|Sample Monitor" 


To find the Component ID, please refer to Configuring an Extension. In this case, the Custom Metrics from the extension will show up only in the Metric Browser of the application to which the Component ID (tier) belongs. 


IMPORTANT The Component ID specified in the metric prefix of the extension should match one of the resolved tiers of the MA. The extension cannot report to any tier other than any of the resolved tiers of its MA.  


Independent Machine Agent installation

An independent  Machine Agent without any APM Agents is not supported by AppDynamics. There have to be App Agents running on the same host for the Machine Agent to run in standalone mode. If the requirement is to use extensions without any APM Agents, a Server Visibility license needs to be purchased. Please check the SIM with No App agents scenario.


Server Infrastructure Monitoring (SIM) with No App agents

In this case, metricPrefix should be configured as metricPrefix = "Custom Metrics|Sample Monitor"


However, as mentioned in the APM Machine Agent Installation Scenario, if the requirement is to see the Custom Metrics from the extension under a particular application only, this can be done by following the steps mentioned below:

       1. The app, tier and node name need to be specified in the controllerInfo.xml. 

       2. In the extension's configuration, the metricPrefix should be configured as

           metricPrefix = "Server|Component:<ID or Name>|Custom Metrics|Sample Monitor" 


IMPORTANT | The component ID specified in the metric prefix of the extension should match to the tier specified in the controller-info.xml. The extension cannot report to any tier other than the tier pointed by the SIM agent.


Server Infrastructure Monitoring (SIM) with one or more app agents

In this case, metricPrefix should be configured as metricPrefix = "Custom Metrics|Sample Monitor"


All the Custom Metrics from the extension will be replicated under all the APM metric browsers associated to that host. If the requirement is to see the Custom Metrics under a particular APM application only, this can be done by specifying:

metricPrefix = "Server|Component:<ID or Name>|Custom Metrics|Sample Monitor" 


To find the Component ID, please refer to Configuring an Extension. In this case, the Custom Metrics from the extension will show up only in the Metric Browser of the application to which Component ID (tier) belongs. 


IMPORTANT |The host ID field helps the Controller to stitch the metrics from the Machine Agent or SIM Agents and App Agents together. This host ID field, by default, has the system hostname value. However, this can be overridden by using the uniqueHostId field on the agents.


What is a SIM?  as a AppD newbie I have no idea


I have set metricPrefix: Custom Metrics|SiteMinder in config.yml  for the SiteMinder extension.  We see folders but no metrics.  Any suggestions? 

AppDynamics Team (Retired)

@Walter.Snyder, good point! SIM stands for "Server Infrastructure Monitoring". I'll update the article to show that.


Thanks for helping improve the Community!

Claudia Landivar

Knowledge Base Community Manager & Editor

AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi @Walter.Snyder 

Checked with an SME who let me know your question "I have set metricPrefix: Custom Metrics|SiteMinder in config.yml  for the SiteMinder extension.  We see folders but no metrics.  Any suggestions?"  is best addressed by Support.


Seems like a good time to post that process, which is basically to go to and click Support Portal. You can find more details on our Support FAQ article, too.


Let us know how it goes!

Claudia Landivar

Community Manager & Editor

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‎10-19-2021 06:54 PM
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