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Guide to Monitoring AWS Athena Performance with AppDynamics

Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service that provides a simplified and flexible way to analyze petabytes of data where it lives. It is an important tool for analyzing existing data. AppDynamics is one of the best monitoring solutions that gives you insight into applications and infrastructure. Let’s dive into our setup.


  • Machine Agent installed on any Linux box
  • The Linux box should have permission to fetch CloudWatch metrics

Setting up Amazon Athena

Set up Amazon Athena

If you all have Athena set up, then scroll down. If not, follow the below steps:

  1. Create an S3 bucket where we will save Athena query results. I created one called “athena-query-result-abhi”AbhiBajaj_0-1715890517984.png

Setting Up Query Result Location

  1. Click “Edit settings” in the Athena console
  2. Specify your S3 bucket: Enter s3://athena-query-result-abhi as the query result location
  3. Save the settingsAbhiBajaj_1-1715890517452.png

Enable Amazon Athena to publish query metrics to AWS CloudWatch

  1. Edit the WorkGroup your Amazon Athena is part of and select “Publish query metrics to AWS CloudWatch”AbhiBajaj_2-1715890518243.png


Running the Sample Queries

In the Athena console, run the following queries to create a sample database and table:

  1. Create the Database:
    CREATE DATABASE sampledb;​
  2. Create a Sample Table with some inline data:
    CREATE TABLE sampledb.sampletable AS
      'value1' AS col1,
      'value2' AS col2,
      'value3' AS col3
      'value4' AS col1,
      'value5' AS col2,
      'value6' AS col3;​
  3. Run a Sample Query to generate activity:
    SELECT * FROM sampledb.sampletable LIMIT 10;​

Running Queries to Generate Metrics:

  1. Execute the following queries to generate sufficient activity and metrics:
    SELECT * FROM sampledb.sampletable LIMIT 10;
    SELECT col1, COUNT(*) FROM sampledb.sampletable GROUP BY col1;
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sampledb.sampletable WHERE col2 = 'value2';
    SELECT col1, col2 FROM sampledb.sampletable WHERE col3 = 'value3';​
  2. Great work, your Athena is all set up


Machine Agent

Now, let’s work on the machine agent side.

  1. SSH inside the box where your Machine Agent is running
  2. In the Machine Agent Home folder, Go to the Monitors folder and create a directory called DynamoDb. In my case I used, MA_HOME = /opt/appdynamics/ma
    cd /opt/appdynamics/ma/monitors
    mkdir Athena​
  3. Inside the Athena folder, create a file called with the below content:
    NOTE: Please edit REGION and START_TIME, END_TIME if required
    # List of all metrics you want to fetch for Athena
    declare -a METRICS=("DPUAllocated" "DPUConsumed" "DPUCount" "EngineExecutionTime" "ProcessedBytes" "QueryPlanningTime" "QueryQueueTime" "ServicePreProcessingTime" "ServiceProcessingTime" "TotalExecutionTime")
    # Define the time period (in ISO8601 format)
    START_TIME=$(date --date='48 hours ago' --utc +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)
    END_TIME=$(date --utc +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)
    # AWS region
    # Fetch all workgroups
    WORKGROUPS=$(aws athena list-work-groups --region $REGION --query 'WorkGroups[*].Name' --output text)
    # Loop through each workgroup and fetch the metrics
      # Loop through each metric and fetch the data
      for METRIC_NAME in "${METRICS[@]}"; do
        # Fetch the metric data using AWS CLI
        METRIC_VALUE=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --region $REGION --namespace AWS/Athena \
          --metric-name $METRIC_NAME \
          --dimensions Name=QueryState,Value=SUCCEEDED Name=QueryType,Value=DML Name=WorkGroup,Value=$WORKGROUP \
          --start-time $START_TIME \
          --end-time $END_TIME \
          --period 300 \
          --statistics Sum \
          --query 'Datapoints | sort_by(@, &Timestamp)[-1].Sum' \
          --output text)
        # If metric value is empty, set to 0, else format it as an integer
        if [ -z "$METRIC_VALUE" ]; then
          METRIC_VALUE=$(echo $METRIC_VALUE | awk '{if($1+0==$1){print int($1)}else{print "0"}}')
        # Echo the metric in the specified format
        echo "name=Custom Metrics|Athena|$WORKGROUP|$METRIC_NAME,value=$METRIC_VALUE"
  4. Create another file called monitor.xml with the below content:
        <name>Athena monitoring</name>
        <description>Athena monitoring</description>


  5. Let’s restart your Machine Agent
  6. Once you are done, you will be able to see your Athena metrics in the AppDynamics Machine Agent’s metric browser, as seen belowAbhiBajaj_4-1715890517452.png


Version history
Last update:
‎05-21-2024 08:33 AM
Updated by:
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