Java (Java Agent, Installation, JVM, and Controller Installation)
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Configuration feedback from Controller to JVM Agent

HiThis might appear to be a silly question especially because I believe I know the answer... The scenario is that I have a JVM Tier instrumented with a Java Agent. This tier has some BT's that I do not want to instrument. Some of these generates a lo...

Resolved! Java serverless not correlating due to due to potentially malformed header

Hi,I'm working on instrumenting Java Lambda. My environment contains 2 lambdas. the first one is triggering the second one through SNS.Also, implemented the sns exit call from the first lambda.Now, I'm trying to correlate the business transaction to ...

how can i get a realtime map for all these BTs, which are communicating with eachother

i have been using appdynamics  for long time.But i have one question, which is not answered till date ,for example : if an application have 10 business transactions (urls),all these BTs have connection with each when i click on UI/Login it...

Machine Agent installation. ERROR StatusLogger No Log4j 2 configuration file found

Hi,   I wonder if you can help. I am installing a machine agent in Linux Server, but installation is not successful. I have the following error. ERROR StatusLogger No Log4j 2 configuration file found. Using default configuration (logging only errors ...