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Java Method Invocation Data Collectors - invoke object or getter chain not working on parameter




I have this method.


function requestQuote(policyPeriod : PolicyPeriod, nextStep : String) {
requestQuote(policyPeriod, nextStep, ValidationLevel.TC_QUOTABLE, RatingStyle.TC_DEFAULT)

I am trying to call a method on the policyPeriod parameter for data and it is not working for me.


in code it would look like this -> policyPeriod.Submission.DisplayName which would return a string.


Submission looks like this. It is a method that returns an object.

public entity.Submission getSubmission() {
return ((com.guidewire.pc.domain.policy.period.PolicyPeriodPublicMethods)__getDelegateManager().getImplementation("com.guidewire.pc.domain.policy.period.PolicyPeriodPublicMethods")).getSubmission();

 I have tried invoke object, use getter chain with getSubmission, getSubmission(), Submission, and Submission() combinations.  I get an out put similar to this.

[CANNOT EVALUATE: Could not find specified method = [Submission()], CANNOT EVALUATE: Could not find specified method = [Submission()]]


Here is my last attempt.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks....




Thanks Mario.


I was able to get the entity.PolicyPeriod methods.  I tried the getVersionString() on both param 0 and 1 with no success.  It does appear it is param 1 even though it is the first param of the method in the code. I just put getVersionString() in the getter chain.  


Any suggestions how I get to it?  Do I have to do something different since it is a delegate?  




Thanks, @Mario.Morelli.  I was able to see the methods that the PolicyPeriod had available, but I am not sure how to tie this all together.  


I have this method that I have instrumented.  It takes a PolicyPeriod which internally is a delegate to the real 

PolicyPeriod.  I think you said that it is a class calling a class type of thing.

function requestQuote(policyPeriod : PolicyPeriod, nextStep : String) {
requestQuote(policyPeriod, nextStep, ValidationLevel.TC_QUOTABLE, RatingStyle.TC_DEFAULT)

 I am not sure how to set up the bottom of the MIDC to "Specify the Data to Collect from this Method Invocation" I am not sure how to set this up to get the data that I need because of the delegate.  Can you please clarify for me?  Thanks.....

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