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Looking to use the file-monitoring-extension found on Github.

Got the extension working on Windows using the Standalone Machine Agent.
Metrics are registered with the Controller and after each MA restart there is only 1 data point for each metric and the all the metrics are 0's after that. Any subsequent restarts only generate 1 data point again, and while accurate there are never any other data points for the metrics. See the screenshots below showing that.

There are some Warnings in the MA Log file, but do not seem to be related to the issue we are experiencing.
Log and Config file added below also.

Hope someone is using this successfully and can offer some input.
AppD support do not assist with extensions anymore.

Shows data points and how they only have data after a restartShows data points and how they only have data after a restartAll relevant metrics are there, but have no continuous metric s reporting inAll relevant metrics are there, but have no continuous metric s reporting in


LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:56,642 INFO SystemAgent - Starting Machine Agent....
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:56,642 INFO ControllerTimeSkewHandler - Skew Handler is : [enabled].
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,191 INFO SystemAgent - Full certificate chain validation performed using default certificate file
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,677 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Started Agent Metric Generation Service
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,692 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Event Service is : [enabled].
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,692 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Initialized with maxPublishQueueLength [2], aggregationFrequencyInMillis [60000]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,692 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Metric Service is : [enabled].
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,692 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Started Agent Env Properties Service
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,692 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Scheduled Continuous Task Monitor with frequency [30000]ms
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,692 INFO MonitorConfigReader - Reading monitor config file:C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\analytics-agent\monitor.xml
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO MonitorConfigReader - os name [windows 10] version [10.0]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Initializing managed monitor [analytics-agent]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Not initializing managed monitor [AppDynamics Analytics Agent] - Disabled in configuration file.
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO MonitorConfigReader - Reading monitor config file:C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\FileWatcher\monitor.xml
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO MonitorConfigReader - os name [windows 10] version [10.0]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Initializing managed monitor [FileWatcher]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Initializing managed monitor [FileWatcher]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Executing managed monitor [FileWatcher], task name [File Watcher Extension Run Task]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,708 INFO ManagedMonitorDelegate - Task [File Watcher Extension Run Task] for monitor [FileWatcher] is continuous
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO ABaseMonitor - Using File Watcher Version [v3.1.1 Build Date 2020-05-06 17:49:45]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO ContinuousTaskMonitor - Continuous Task [FileWatcher] Started
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Not running legacy system-agent monitor because SIM is enabled.
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Not running legacy system-agent monitor because SIM is enabled.
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO NodeMonitorManager - Directory [C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\unmanaged] not found, continuing.
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO AgentMonitorManager - Initialized System Monitor Manager with directory [C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO SystemAgent - Set up agent monitor manager
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO SystemAgent - Orchestration is disabled - disabling one-way agent transport. The agent will not be able to execute workflow tasks.
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO SystemAgentConfigManager - Scheduling configuration refresh at an interval of 60 seconds
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO SystemAgentConfigManager - Configuration refresh task interval is 60 seconds
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,746 INFO SystemAgent - Configuration manager successfully configured
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,761 INFO RunbookHandler - Runbook Operation Execution is : [enabled].
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [system-thread-0] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,761 INFO SystemAgent - Started AppDynamics Machine Agent Successfully.
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,761 INFO ABaseMonitor - Started executing File Watcher at 2022-10-06 10:35:57 CAT
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,761 INFO ABaseMonitor - Using File Watcher Version [v3.1.1 Build Date 2020-05-06 17:49:45]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,761 INFO PathResolver-File Watcher - Install dir resolved to C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:57,846 INFO MonitorContextConfiguration-File Watcher - Loading the contextConfiguration from C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\monitors\FileWatcher\config.yml
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,178 INFO ConfigProcessor-File Watcher - Extension config properties file for replacing placeholders not provided
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,193 INFO MonitorContextConfiguration-File Watcher - The metric prefix is initialized as Custom Metrics|File Watcher
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,193 INFO MonitorContext-File Watcher - Charset is windows-1252, file encoding is Cp1252
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,209 INFO ControllerInfoFactory-File Watcher - The install directory is resolved to C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,225 WARN ControllerInfoFactory-File Watcher - Cannot unmarshall the config file from C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\conf\controller-info.xml
javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Error while searching for service [javax.xml.bind.JAXBContextFactory]
at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder$1.createException( ~[jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar:2.3.3]
at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder$1.createException( ~[jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar:2.3.3]
at javax.xml.bind.ServiceLoaderUtil.firstByServiceLoader( ~[jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar:2.3.3]
at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.find( ~[jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar:2.3.3]
at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance( ~[jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar:2.3.3]
at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance( ~[jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar:2.3.3]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.controller.ControllerInfoFactory.fromXml( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.controller.ControllerInfoFactory.getControllerInfoFromXml( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.controller.ControllerInfoFactory.initialize( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.conf.modules.ControllerModule.initController( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.conf.MonitorContext.initialize( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.conf.MonitorContextConfiguration.setConfigYml( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.ABaseMonitor$1.onFileChange( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.conf.modules.FileWatchListenerModule.createListener( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.conf.MonitorContextConfiguration.registerListener( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.ABaseMonitor.initialize( [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.ABaseMonitor.execute( [?:?]
at [machineagent.jar:Machine Agent v22.9.0-3458 GA compatible with Build Date 2022-09-28 07:21:43]
at [machineagent.jar:Machine Agent v22.9.0-3458 GA compatible with Build Date 2022-09-28 07:21:43]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:?]
at Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
at Source) [?:?]
Caused by: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: javax.xml.bind.JAXBContextFactory: Provider com.sun.xml.bind.v2.JAXBContextFactory not found
at Source) ~[?:?]
at java.util.ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator.nextProviderClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at java.util.ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator.hasNextService(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at java.util.ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator.hasNext(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at java.util.ServiceLoader$2.hasNext(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at java.util.ServiceLoader$3.hasNext(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
at javax.xml.bind.ServiceLoaderUtil.firstByServiceLoader( ~[jakarta.xml.bind-api-2.3.3.jar:2.3.3]
... 22 more
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,240 WARN CryptoUtils-File Watcher - The password has not been set properly. Using empty password.
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,240 INFO ControllerModule-File Watcher - Initialized ControllerInfo
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,247 ERROR ControllerInfoFactory-File Watcher - The following properties [username, password, account, controllerHost, controllerPort, controllerSslEnabled, simEnabled, applicationName, tierName, nodeName] failed to resolve. Please add them to the 'controllerInfo' section in config.yml
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,247 WARN ControllerModule-File Watcher - ControllerInfo instance is not validated and resolved.....the ControllerClient and ControllerAPIService are null
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,247 INFO HttpClientModule-File Watcher - The httpClient is not initialized since the [servers] are not present in config.yml
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,247 INFO MonitorExecutorServiceModule-File Watcher - Initializing the ThreadPool with size 20
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,363 INFO MetricCharSequenceReplaceModule-File Watcher - MetricCharSequenceReplacer initialized successfully
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,363 INFO EventsServiceModule-File Watcher - Events Service parameters not set for monitor: File Watcher. Skipping
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,363 INFO HealthCheckModule-File Watcher - Running extension health checks
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,363 INFO PathResolver-File Watcher - Install dir resolved to C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 INFO MonitorHealthCheck-File Watcher - Running monitor health checks
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 INFO AppTierNodeCheck-File Watcher - Starting AppTierNodeCheck
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 ERROR MonitorHealthCheck-File Watcher - Exception when running com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.AppTierNodeCheck@25abf5aa
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.AppTierNodeCheck.check( ~[?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.MonitorHealthCheck.validate( [?:?]
at [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.executorservice.MonitorThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:?]
at Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
at Source) [?:?]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 INFO ExtensionPathConfigCheck-File Watcher - Starting ExtensionPathConfigCheck
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-3] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 INFO MachineAgentAvailabilityCheck-File Watcher - Starting MachineAgentAvailabilityCheck
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-2] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 INFO MetricLimitCheck-File Watcher - Starting MetricLimitCheck
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-2] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 INFO PathResolver-File Watcher - Install dir resolved to C:\AppDynamics\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 ERROR MonitorHealthCheck-File Watcher - Exception when running com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.ExtensionPathConfigCheck@a7efa1b
com.appdynamics.extensions.util.AssertUtils$ValidationException: The ControllerAPIService is null
at com.appdynamics.extensions.util.AssertUtils.assertNotNull( ~[?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.ExtensionPathConfigCheck.check( ~[?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.MonitorHealthCheck.validate( [?:?]
at [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.executorservice.MonitorThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:?]
at Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
at Source) [?:?]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [pool-10-thread-3] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,410 ERROR MonitorHealthCheck-File Watcher - Exception when running com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.MachineAgentAvailabilityCheck@7df807ed
com.appdynamics.extensions.util.AssertUtils$ValidationException: The ControllerAPIService is null
at com.appdynamics.extensions.util.AssertUtils.assertNotNull( ~[?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.MachineAgentAvailabilityCheck.check( ~[?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.checks.MonitorHealthCheck$ [?:?]
at com.appdynamics.extensions.executorservice.MonitorThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(Unknown Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) [?:?]
at Source) [?:?]
LAPTOP-41O4030E==> [Worker-1] 06 Oct 2022 10:35:58,579 INFO DerivedMetricsModule-File Watcher - The DerivedMetricsCalculator is not initialized.


#For shared directories on windows the path should be like
# path: "\\\\\\abc\\def\\ProductI

#Use this metric prefix when SIM is enabled.
metricPrefix: "Custom Metrics|File Watcher|"

# To find the <COMPONENT_ID> in your environment, please follow the screenshot
#metricPrefix: "Server|Component:<Component_ID OR Component_Name>|Custom Metrics|File Watcher|"

#Matching only the configured directory
- displayName: "TestPath2 MA_OLD - Specific Directory"
path: "C:\\\\AppDynamics\\\\OLD_machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\\\\logs"
ignoreHiddenFiles: true
excludeSubdirectoriesFromFileCount: false
recursiveFileCounts: false
recursiveFileSizes: true

#Matching a specific file
- displayName: "TestPath3 Logs- Specific File"
path: "C:\\\\AppDynamics\\\\machineagent-bundle-64bit-windows-\\\\logs\\\\machine-agent.log"
ignoreHiddenFiles: true
excludeSubdirectoriesFromFileCount: false
recursiveFileCounts: false
recursiveFileSizes: true

alias: "File Size (Bytes)"
multiplier: 1
delta: false
aggregationType: "Average"
timeRollupType: "Average"
clusterRollupType: "Individual"
alias: "Oldest File Age"
alias: "File Count"
alias: "Number of Lines"
alias: "Last Modified Time"
alias: "Available"
"true": 1
"false": 0

# A metric to view the count of files in a directory and all its subdirectories.
#Set recursiveFileCounts to true for any configured paths to see this metric. Will only work for directories.
alias: "Recursive File Count"
alias: "Modified"
"true": 1
"false": 0
recursiveFileSize: #Calculates the size of a directory on disk
alias: "Size on Disk (Bytes)"

numberOfThreads: 20 #One thread per base directory + 1

# The sections [customDashboard] and [controllerInfo] need to be enabled for uploading dashboard to the controller UI
enabled: false
dashboardName: "File Watcher Dashboard"
# Update the path to the dashboard file.
pathToSIMDashboard: "monitors/FileWatcher/SIMDashboard.json"
pathToNormalDashboard: "monitors/FileWatcher/APMDashboard.json"
periodicDashboardCheckInSeconds: 300

# If any of the following fields are not set, the values of the specific fields are set from the system properties of the corresponding fields as specified in the comments.
# If the system properties are not set for the field, then the data is retrieved from machine agent configFile. Please refer to ControllerInfoFactory for more details.

enableHealthChecks: true # If not set, will be retrieved from "-Dappdynamics.agent.monitors.healthchecks.enable=true". Defaults to true.


Community Manager

Hi @Dietrich.Meier

While extensions are not officially supported anymore, there are still a few resources available. 



If you still need additional help, you can book a session with our consultants at


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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Hi Ryan

Got this link from a colleague and will try it out as a solution.

The issue with the session with our consultants is that there are no slots for this week and the available ones are very late in the evenings.

Image 006.png



Community Manager

Hi @Dietrich.Meier,

I just reached out to a coworker to see if I can get any additional info on time slots. I'll let you know when I hear back from them about timezones and availability. 


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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AppD Support supplied me with with the zip file for the 3.1.4 release of the extension and it works as expected.
The issue seems to be related to the 3.1.1 release available on the this page below.

Screenshot showing the data reporting in as expected:
Metrics reporting in consistentlyMetrics reporting in consistently

Community Manager

Hi @Dietrich.Meier,

Thank you for following up and sharing this! 


Ryan, Cisco AppDynamics Community Manager

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