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Linux monitoring Extension

Malla Reddy.Byreddy

Linux Monitoring extesnion installed on a linux machine , But there is no data i can see in AppDynamics Metric browser . Anyone tried it out  ??


"No Data to display" message in metric browser 





AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi @Malla Reddy.Byreddy,


Take a look at this article on "No data in the Metric Browser" -- it could be that your agent isn't properly configured, or the time range is set as such that you aren't seeing data for that particular range.




Did you check the logs? What error do you see?

i didnnt see any mentioned error except as below,


[#|2018-01-25T13:49:10.106-0800|INFO|glassfish 4.1|com.appdynamics.metadata.cache.entitycache.BaseMetadataCache|_ThreadID=131;_ThreadName=http-listener-2(10);_TimeMillis=1516916950106;_LevelValue=800;|ID000062 Metric 280:btm|application summary|errors per minute not found|#]




This look like controller server.log.

I am asking about the machine agent logs found under <machine_agent_home>\logs\machine-agent.log

Machine agent logs :


[Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-2] 25 Jan 2018 10:27:28,317  WARN SigarAppAgentMonitor - /proc/22031/environ (Permission denied) exception caught attempting to determine environmental variables for process 22031
[Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-2] 25 Jan 2018 10:27:28,317  WARN SigarAppAgentMonitor - /proc/22180/environ (Permission denied) exception caught attempting to determine environmental variables for process 22180
[Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-2] 25 Jan 2018 10:27:28,317  WARN SigarAppAgentMonitor - /proc/22187/environ (Permission denied) exception caught attempting to determine environmental variables for process 22187
[Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-1] 25 Jan 2018 10:28:01,437 ERROR SigarMinuteTask - Error getting file system usage for fs [/home/djamie]. Will try later.
[Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-1] 25 Jan 2018 10:28:02,858 ERROR SigarMinuteTask - Error getting file system usage for fs [/home/abhatia]. Will try later.
[Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-1] 25 Jan 2018 10:28:02,890 ERROR SigarMinuteTask - Error getting file system usage for fs [/home/creinoza]. Will try later.
[Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-1] 25 Jan 2018 10:28:04,411 ERROR SigarMinuteTask - Error getting file system usage for fs [/home/hluo]. Will try later.

Are you sure you started machine agent with proper user who has access to filesystems on the server?

Looks like you are trying to monitor home filesystem of all the users, only root or super admin has access to all those file systems.

Even in that case I should get some data in metric browser right  ?

Not really. What other errors do you see in the logs?

can you grep "missing ip" in your log?

No match for "missing ip " in logs