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Android plugin 21.5.0 issue with missing "buildID"




Previously, I had a request (Zendesk ticket #215430) for investigating issue with Proguard files not automatically uploaded, which was supposed to be fixed in 21.5.0.


But after updating to 21.5.0 new issue appeared:

"Cannot get property 'buildID' on extra properties extension as it does not exist" 


It looks like someone leaked some private API to public AppDynamics Gradle plugin API, because it looks like the plugin always assumes "buildID" value provided via extra property.

It can be easily workarounded by providing some random value in project "ext", e.g.


ext.buildID = "AppDynamics workaround value"


After this project compiles fine. 

But I have no idea how it will affect rest of the functionality. As it is nowhere mentioned in official docs, still need some official guidance how to fix this issue.


I also have samle project where it is reproducible:


It is based on standard Android project with basic AppDynamics plugin setup


AppDynamics Team


Thank you for reaching out about this issue. Just downloaded the project, filled in the app key, account name and license key fields labelled //TODO. I then cleaned and built the project and was not able to reproduce the issue of the properties extension "buildID". If I missed something or there are more specific steps required to reproduce the issue, please let me know.


And just to confirm, the two issues mentioned in the readme of that github link under "Initial Investigation" only concern the older agent right. They should be resolved with the 21.5.0 Android agent 

Just checked again..

Indeed, there are some cases when it is working.

# For instance, when I run build in terminal:


./gradlew --stop  // to make sure no other Gradle daemons which could affect the build

./gradlew clean

./gradlew assembleDebug


It builds fine by some reason.


# When I try to build it from Android Studio (4.2.1) by clicking Build action ("Make Project"), it can build first time, but when I try to Run project on device ("Run app" action) after this, it fails and then failing all the time for both Build and Run actions. 


So I am just wondering if this "buildID" somehow cached inside plugin and this cache becoming broken between builds to different Gradle daemons. 

Hi Nick,


Thank you for following up. I've managed to reproduce the issue, and will look into it. We will be sure to provide up update when a fix is live

Hi @Tony.Zhang,


Is there any solution for the issue or confirmation that the workaround is safe to use until it is fixed?

Hi @Nick.Silin ,


We do not have a solution for the issue yet. But yes, running builds through the terminal is definitely safe to do.

Hi @Tony.Zhang 

I was rather asking if the workaround with assigning some random value to "buildID" is safe to use, 

because this is the only way I found to make the latest versions of AD working. For instance, adding something like this to the script:

ext.buildID = "AppDynamics workaround value"

Hi @Nick.Silin ,

Apologies for the late response, that should be perfectly safe to use.

