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Python Agent Analytics configuration

Hi Team,

I am encountering an issue while trying to Enabling the Transaction Analytics part for the Python Application using Python agent. As the stand-alone agent is working fine, however, I have observed that there is no analytic-related data reflecting on the controller. I followed the steps from link1  and link2  It is a Django-based framework application and below is the appdynamics.cfg file for the same 

app = Test
tier = T1
node = N1

host = <saas-controller>
port = 443
ssl = true
account = <saas controller-account>
accesskey = <password>

dir = path/to/directory
level = debug
debugging = on

host =
port = 9090
ssl = true
enabled = true

for  running the agent I use the command 'pyagent proxy start -c <path/to/appdynamcis.cfg>'

Please let me know what maybe done here


AppDynamics Team

Hi @Shashwat .Pandey ,

For the issue: Analytic-agent is not reporting,
It looks like there are a few key areas to check in your configuration and setup for the Analytics Agent.

Next Step:

  1. Check Python Agent Version:
    Ensure that your Python Agent version supports Analytics. It appears you are using Python Agent 21.5, but Transaction Analytics requires Python Agent version 21.10 or later. Versions earlier than 21.10 do not support Transaction Analytics. You can find more details here:
  2. Python Agent Configuration:
    Review the configuration for the Python Agent. For detailed setup instructions, refer to the following resources:
    check here to see on what to configure:

    Also, check here for Python Agent settings in detail:

    Analysis on provided config file:
    > Checkpoint 1:
    In the [services:analytics] section of your appdynamics.cfg, the host field should point to the hostname where the Analytics Agent is installed, not the service analytics connection endpoint. For most configurations, install the Analytics Agent on the same machine as the python agent.
    Example : => host = localhost
    > CheckPoint2:
    ・The enabled field is not required in this configuration.

  3. :
    refer to url below and make sure if is correctly configured. Key points to verify include:
    Controller information & http.event.endpoint value
    see: “Enable the Standalone Analytics Agent“
  4. Lastly, make sure to enable Analytics for specific applications and business transactions you want to monitor. Configure Analytics


Hope this helps.



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