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08-02-2018 05:53 PM
I've been able to export the IBM MQ metrics and now I am trying to import them but I am getting an error messages that says "Could not import the health rule: QM_TEST4. Reason: Component with the name: mqserver.corp.dom does not exist." We have existing health rules in place, I'm just trying to import then using the import api. I followed these instructions -->
How can I resolve this error?
08-03-2018 03:04 AM
Hi Alicia,
1. As from the logs, we understand that the tier component does not exist. Can you please check if this is present in the controller UI. If yes, please check if it is present in the database.
select * from application_componenet where name like 'mqserver.corp.dom'\G
2. Can you please share the command you are using while importing the health rule.
3. Share the controller logs with us during the time period you saw the issue.
08-03-2018 01:22 PM
Hi Yogesh,
Which log do you want me to send you? The server.log? Also, is there a way that I can send it to you privately for confidentiality purposes?
I tried logging into the database and running that query but I don't have the password so I'm trying to get the password right now. Jut waiting to hear back from someone. In the meantime, can you send me the steps to verify whether mqserver.corp.dom exists as a component in the AppDynamics UI? I do see it listed under applications in the dashboard and when creating health rules, I can select it, select the queue manager on that servers and the queues under that queue manager. Where do I look to see if it exists as a component?
Here are the commands that I am running to export and import. Export works fine. Import is when I get the error:
curl --user myusername@customer1:mypassword https://servername:8181/controller/healthrules/EnterpriseMQ?name=QMgrHealthRuleName
curl -X POST --user myusername@customer1:mypassword https://servername:8181/controller/healthrules/38 -F file=@FileName.xml
08-05-2018 09:22 PM
08-06-2018 08:55 AM
Do you have an email address where I can send you the logs? I don't see anywhere on here an option to send privately.
08-07-2018 10:44 AM
I was able to log in to the mysql database but when I run the query I don't get any results back. Here's what the sql query I ran:
mysql> select * from application_component where name like 'mqservername.corp.dom'
-> show tables
I don't get any results back when I run the query.
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