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Community access restored to most members

I've been able to make some changes to restore community engagement access to most members.

Follow the blog post for up to date information

We thank you for your patience while we get this fixed

Log Analytics


Hi All!

I am trying to understand the log analytics features.

Can I import any kind of log and do analytics on them? According to the link and picture below I can import networking (switches,routers) and VMware or even LDAP or Load balancer logs as well.

I did read the documentation and did also google searches but I did not find any real description how I can do that. Could you help me to point to a documentation how to do log anayltics for example on switch or LB logs?

On this link I read this:


Collect machine data from all sources in real-time to gain insights

    Collect both structured and unstructured data to gain real-time visibility into physical, virtual or cloud infrastructure

    Single pane of glass with Application Performance Management allows full context into application issue





AppDynamics Team

Hi Sandor,

We require the network logs to be sent to a given port. The agent listens to the specified port and collects all the logs, and passes it for processing. The port and host name details are added in the Log Analytics Configuration UI.

You can then extract specific data points for analytics through grok or manual or auto extraction options, along with field management (for renaming, masking, etc actions).

Hope this helps.


Hi Sandeep,

thank you for the answer.

So, I need to follow the steps described here:


This is about apache web server, but this can be a switch/storage anything which is able to send log to a syslog server.

So theoretically with this I am able to collect logs from a switch and SAN storage and put the healths events on a dashboard along with the application data. That way I can see on one dashboard if anything wrong with the whole IT infra/app side.


Is that correct?




Yes, exactly. You could use business transaction and log correlation functionality to connect the dots, extract more info from the logs related to your application performance.


