Hi there,
I am trying to understand the pattern matching system in place for groking patterns and matching multi-lines.
I am running a Java app which uses log4j for logging, configured to use the console appender. The console output is being pipe...
Finally got it!!! Thanks to AppD for the regex
regex: "^[A-z][a-z]{2} \\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2} [a-zA-Z0-9]* app: [^#].*$"
My understanding was incorrect, and specifically applies to grokconstructor and not the AppD groking. So t...
I managed to create a grok pattern which passes the logs as expected at http://grokconstructor.appspot.com/do/match, however, when I use this same grok pattern in the appd job file it globs the entire list of log entries into a single entry on th...
Log entries that does not match the grok pattern will still be sent to the events service in their raw format.
- This is good to know and I am not sure it's clearly stated in the documentation you referred me to. The documentation in general is very ...