I am deploying/testing java app agent 4.5.x for the first time & finding it difficult to instrument a local tomcat 8.5 instance.
I got below error, when I noticed agent 4.5 uses log4j2 for logging
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration fi...
Thanks for the reply Peter.
If I am not wrong, any of the 4.5.x uses version 2 of log4j (i.e. log4j2) for logging.
Is there any way I can change this behaviour & make the agents to use log4j logging?
No, the app server doesn't start without or with the extra -D option for log4j.configurationFile.
Withour the the extra -D option for log4j.configurationFile, it throws below error -
ERROR StatusLogger No log4j2 configuration file found. Using defa...
Hi Peter,
Here is the complete argument list -
-Dcatalina.base="C:\Users\jainsai\Downloads\apache-tomcat-8.5.38" -Dcatalina.home="C:\Users\jainsai\Downloads\apache-tomcat-8.5.38" -Dwtp.deploy="C:\Users\jainsai\Downloads\apache-tomcat-8.5.38\wtpweba...