I'm trying to deploy an Events Service node on a Linux machine to move that functionality off the controller. I have gotten passwordless SSH connectivity configured and am up to step 5 on https://docs.appdynamics.com/display/PRO43/Install+the+Events...
Thanks - I reconfigured SSHD to run listen on 22 and was able to deploy the Events Service to the other host.
But after reboot when I go to check the health I get:
[root@controller.host platform-admin]# bin/platform-admin.sh show-events-service-hea...
If it helps, SSH is running on an off-port per our corporate security policy (P 2222).
Logs show:
INFO [2017-10-09 09:25:42,155] class com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Running job add_hosts_job with description Add hosts eventsse...