i saw the post from 2014 [https://community.appdynamics.com/t5/Archive/Extract-list-of-controller-user/m-p/12815] that configuratino is not exposing users through rest API
just wondering is anything got changed?
i was able to get the Users by searching teh AccountID
NOTE HERE -- Account ID is the number in the internal AppDynamics base that correlated to the account name
very very undescriptive. :(
so i got the redirection and used the direct SWAG json
that works.
but all API listed doesn't provide the possiblity to read all accounts.
ANy API requires either specific single user ID.
so, there is no way to get al...
Hello Yogesh.chouk
Swagger doesn't work for my controller.
none of the links are actinable - could you please advice?
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getMockSignature' of undefined at SwaggerOperation.getSignature (swagger.js:815) at n...