Did you find a solution for this?I found another post with the same 403 Forbidden issue: https://community.appdynamics.com/t5/General-Discussions/HTTP-403-when-pushing-OpenTelemetry-Metrics-into-AppDynamics/m-p/49298The solution suggested in that thr...
Any luck with this? I am also getting 403 Forbidden, and am only sending Traces (no logs or metrics configured, only traces).Forbidden seems like an authentication issue (in fact I get the same response if I change/remove the x-api-key).The issue is ...
The FAQ article does not mention 403 errors at all, so is no help.I am getting the same issue, I am getting a 403 (Forbidden) response when trying to sent OpenTelemetry. In my case the endpoint from the setup screen was https://pdx-sls-agent-api.saas...
The video link "AppDynamics for OpenTelemetry video" does not work / is not available. It takes me to a Cisco log in screen, so the video is probably there, just not public. My AppDynamics log in does not work, and I don't have a Cisco login.