We need to monitor Azure API Management self-hosted gateway and get all the traces. The gateway is AKS container with image mcr.microsoft.com/azure-api-management/gateway:v2. Inside is .NET application with /app $ dotnet --infoHost:Version: 6.0.26Arc...
We are trying to write a python synthetic script to monitor our websites (https://docs.appdynamics.com/appd/4.5.x/en/end-user-monitoring/browser-monitoring/browser-synthetic-monitoring/synthetic-scripts).Some scripts needed to access our websites req...
We have same problem as described in https://community.appdynamics.com/t5/Controller-SaaS-On-Premises/Machine-Agent-Http-Listener-not-working/td-p/46694.We followed https://docs.appdynamics.com/appd/22.x/22.2/en/infrastructure-visibility/machine-agen...
What if we need to communicate with controller via proxy, but not with the monitored services (i.e. when using extensions for kafka etc.)? Are there any parameters like -Dappdynamics.http.nonProxyHost to whitelist them? Or how do we solve this proble...
So I ran following script for an hour, but without any success. while $true; do curl -XPOST 'http://ma-agent.namespace.svc.cluster.local:8293/api/v1/metrics' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-raw '[{"metricName":"Custom Metrics...
We continue testing. But since we use this feature to collect additional metrics for synthetic testing, which cannot more frequently then once in 5 minute (limitation given by synthetic monitoring jobs). But ill use some curl-based script to try it o...