since ‎11-03-2020

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Hello, we configured custom business transactions on one of our customer's environments, but we couldn't see our custom business transactions on the BT menu, all our custom BTs are being displayed under "All Other Traffic"  group. Could you please he...
We installed DB agent on the database server and it has been reporting to the controller.   We would like to manage Health Rules for DB Agents (database availability alerts), but when we try to configure health rules we do not find our database agent...
I have created a custom business transaction in one of my applications. Now I want to move those business transactions to another application (both are the same code base but different environment). I tried the application import/export option but I ...
Hi, can anyone help me to resolve the below issue?  [Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-2] 24 May 2021 12:53:11,036 ERROR PeriodicTaskRunner - Error creating environment taskjava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBExceptionat com.appdynamics.extensio...