Hello, when using Appdynamic agent (ver- on Weblogic (ver nodes I get random java crashes. It is happening on all nodes, but some nodes are affected more often than others and it always happens during work time, when load is high....
I stumbled upon "https://community.appdynamics.com/t5/Java-Java-Agent-Installation-JVM/About-Dappdynamics-agent-disable-retransformation-true/td-p/33910" and I thought, that maybe I can also try this? Adding this option won't require any restart?
I updated java version as said before. But only in test environment. Can't update it randomly in production environment, especially when im not sure, if it even helps.
One possible solution that we are trying in production environment is lowering "Error Detection" levels, so Appdynamics won't go and look for errors in log's, because there is myriad of errors in log files. Can you confirm, that this could also cause...
Hello, thank you for reply!
I actually updated Java version to:java version "1.8.0_192"Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_192-b33)Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.192-b33, mixed mode)
in test environment.