Hey all,
Been trying to export and importing custom made rules configuration through the REST API of Appdynamics.
Right now I can export all servlet custom rules through the REST API. Now I want to import the configuration XML but constantly gett...
Hey all,
I was wondering if you can use REGEX for matching the HTTP parameter existance. I can't ready anywhere something about it yet it seems like you can only use regex at checking the parameter value.
The scenario:
The link is '/pages/cases?...
Hey all,
I want too see which machine initiates the transactions in the Appdynamics transaction snapshots view. I see transaction but I don't see where they come from. I expect to see way more webservices. Its a .NET agent and I'm running on 4.2. A...
Hey all,
In our network we have a datawarehouse which we're monitoring with a .net agent of Appdynamics however I'm getting more and more question from what Appdynamics sees. The datawarehous answers questions that our ESB asks through webservices....
Just checked the messages that it gets and these are soap messages and there ain't much in the header that gives intel about the requestor. There is however in the body an XML message where the requestor is in registered? Is there a way to retrieve i...
Interesting. I'm going to check this out this week
Still one question though. Is it possible to use regex in the HTTP parameter or is this only possible for de values of HTTP parameters?
I'll get back on you about the given solution.
Thats exactly what I want. To clarify it even more.
The url /pages/cases is a business transaction already. I however need to monitor one extra substep that falls under the .pages/cases link. The thing that makes the transaction unique is the HTTP ...
Hey Raunak,
Is that the only 'maybe' way to retrieve the requestor? I actually expected to see the webservices where the application sends it responses to.