Ihave followed all the steps mentioned in the following file :
But, after this, when I try to start my Cassandra node, it does not come up. I cannot see any error in the l...
Hi Atyuha,
I tried the above suggestion as well. It did not work too.
I thought it might be a permissions issue, so I gave 777 to all the files in AppServerAgent-4 folder. Post this, Cassandra node is coming up fine with the AppD javaagent proper...
Hi Atyuha,
I tried using the following jar now as mentioned by you in the earlier reply :
JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -javaagent:/etc/appdynamics/java/appagent/AppServerAgent-4/ver4.3.3.4/javaagent.jar"
Still, it does not work. The problem is, that aft...