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Incompatibility between AppDynamics and Dynatrace.

Not applicable



Our client where we already monitored with AppDynamics started using Dynatrace ( We monitor a Jboss 6.4 server.


However we noted that Dynatrace is handling the start of the AppDynamics agent.


Is there any report of incompatibility for these two tools to run in parallel on the same machine?


The AppDynamics agent is a Java agent, in version 4.2.


I ran tests in our test environment and got the same result, that is, the two do not run together and only Dynatrace runs.

Appdynamics does not log in as well as in out of Jboss also does not display anything.


The call is correct, because if we disable Dynatrace, the AppDynamics agent goes up successfully.


Thanks in advance.





i tested it with the old gospace app (jboss) and both agents worked fine together.




Not applicable



We tried both with no production environment and no testing environment and both problems occurred.


Could it be some configuration?


My app agent call looks like this:

-javaagent: /opt/appdynamics/appagent/ver4.2.10.0/javaagent.jar -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs = com.appdynamics, com.appdynamics., Com.singularity, com.singularity.

JBoss starting only with AppDynamcis agent:

====================================================================== =======================

JBoss Bootstrap Environment

JBoss_HOME: /opt/app/jboss-eap-6.4

JAVA: /opt/app/jdk1.8.0_101/bin/java

JAVA_OPTS: -XX: + UseCompressedOops -verbose: gc -Xloggc: "/ opt / app / jboss-eap-6.4 / standalone / log / gc.log" -XX: + PrintGCDetails -XX: + PrintGCDateStamps -XX: + UseGCLogFileRotation - XX: NumberOfGCLogFiles = 5 -XX: GCLogFileSize = 3M -XX: -TraceClassUnloading -server = BASA-B
AnkLink-Transactional = / home / blkprdbasa / conf / quartz / -Dla.foton.infra.spring.configLocation = classpath: la / foton / basa / banklink / spring / beans.xml -Dla .foton.banklink.infra.jndi.propertyFile = file: /home/blkprdbasa/conf/ -D
La.foton.infra.hibernate.cfg.file = / la / foton / basa / banklink / infra / dao / hbr / hibernate.cfg.xml -Dhttps.protocols = TLSv1 -Dfile.encoding = UTF-8 -Dla.foton .infra.xstream.pool.size = 200 -Dla.foton.infra.xstream.whenExhaustedAction = 2 -Xrunjdwp: transport = dt_socket, address = 8787, serve
R = y, suspend = n -javaagent: /opt/appdynamics/appagent/ver4.2.10.0/javaagent.jar -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs = com.appdynamics, com.appdynamics., Com.singularity, com. singularity.

====================================================================== =======================


Install Directory resolved to[/opt/appdynamics/appagent/ver4.2.10.0]
Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using selfService [true]
Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using selfService [true]
Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using application name [BASA-Bank Link - PPD]
Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using tier name [jboss-eap-6.4]
Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using node name [jboss-eap-6.4]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[DEBUG]: AgentInstallManager - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver is running
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[INFO]: AgentInstallManager - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using selfService [true]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[INFO]: AgentInstallManager - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using selfService [true]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[INFO]: AgentInstallManager - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using application name [BASA-Bank Link - PPD]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[INFO]: AgentInstallManager - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using tier name [jboss-eap-6.4]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[INFO]: AgentInstallManager - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver using node name [jboss-eap-6.4]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[DEBUG]: AgentInstallManager - Full Agent Registration Info Resolver finished running
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[INFO]: AgentInstallManager - Agent runtime directory set to [/opt/appdynamics/appagent/ver4.2.10.0]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:26 BRT 2017[INFO]: AgentInstallManager - Agent node directory set to [jboss-eap-6.4]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:27 BRT 2017[INFO]: JavaAgent - Using Java Agent Version [Server Agent v4.2.10.0 GA #13790 rf46506b0db2c89fbd7ad69bbc8545b518a03250c]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:27 BRT 2017[INFO]: JavaAgent - Running IBM Java Agent [No]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:27 BRT 2017[INFO]: JavaAgent - Java Agent Directory [/opt/appdynamics/appagent/ver4.2.10.0]
[Thread-0] Fri May 12 17:20:27 BRT 2017[INFO]: JavaAgent - Java Agent AppAgent directory [/opt/appdynamics/appagent/ver4.2.10.0]
Agent Logging Directory [/opt/appdynamics/appagent/ver4.2.10.0/logs/jboss-eap-6.4]
Running obfuscated agent
Started AppDynamics Java Agent Successfully.
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8787
ESC[0m17:20:45,378 INFO  (main) [msc]  JBoss MSC version 1.1.5.Final-redhat-1
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:46,131 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-2) [as]  JBAS015899: Iniciando JBoss EAP 6.4.0.GA (AS 7.5.0.Final-redhat-21)
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:55,959 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-3) [xnio]  XNIO Version 3.0.13.GA-redhat-1
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,019 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-3) [nio]  XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.0.13.GA-redhat-1
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,034 INFO  (Controller Boot Thread) [server]  JBAS015888: Criação de serviço de gerenciamento http usando o socket-binding (management-http)
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,552 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-3) [remoting]  JBoss Remoting version 3.3.4.Final-redhat-1
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,591 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 37) [infinispan]  JBAS010280: Ativação do subsistema Infinispan.
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,603 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 54) [security]  JBAS013371: Ativação do Subsistema de Segurança
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,612 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 38) [jacorb]  JBAS016300: Ativação do Subsistema JacORB
ESC[0mESC[33m17:20:56,607 WARN  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 56) [txn]  JBAS010153: A propriedade de identificador do nó é configurado ao valor default. Por favor certifique-se de que isto é único.
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,656 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 49) [naming]  JBAS011800: Ativação do Subsistema de Nomeação
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,653 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 45) [jsf]  JBAS012615: As seguintes implantações JSF foram ativadas: [main, 1.2]
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,856 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 58) [webservices]  JBAS015537: Ativação da Extensão WebServices
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:56,963 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-1) [security]  JBAS013370: Versão =4.1.1.Final-redhat-1 PicketBox Atual
ESC[0mESC[0m17:20:57,192 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-2) [remoting]  JBAS017100: Escutando no
JBoss starting with AppDynamcis agent and Dynatrace:
NOTE: Below we can see that the AppDynamcis agent does not even want to go through the attempt to load.
  JBoss Bootstrap Environment
  JBOSS_HOME: /opt/app/jboss-eap-6.4
  JAVA: /opt/app/jdk1.8.0_101/bin/java
  JAVA_OPTS:  -XX:+UseCompressedOops -verbose:gc -Xloggc:"/opt/app/jboss-eap-6.4/standalone/log/gc.log" -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:GCLogFileSize=3M -XX:-TraceClassUnloading -server
ankLink-Transacional -Dla.foton.infra.spring.configLocation=classpath:la/foton/basa/banklink/spring/beans.xml -Dla.foton.banklink.infra.jndi.propertyFile=file:/home/blkprdbasa/conf/ -D
la.foton.infra.hibernate.cfg.file=/la/foton/basa/banklink/infra/dao/hbr/hibernate.cfg.xml -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dla.foton.infra.xstream.pool.size=200 -Dla.foton.infra.xstream.whenExhaustedAction=2 -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,serve
r=y,suspend=n -javaagent:/opt/appdynamics/appagent/ver4.2.10.0/javaagent.jar -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=com.appdynamics,com.appdynamics.,com.singularity,com.singularity.
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8787
ESC[0m16:41:12,027 INFO  (main) [msc]  JBoss MSC version 1.1.5.Final-redhat-1
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:12,401 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-4) [as]  JBAS015899: Iniciando JBoss EAP 6.4.0.GA (AS 7.5.0.Final-redhat-21)
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,515 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-2) [xnio]  XNIO Version 3.0.13.GA-redhat-1
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,573 INFO  (Controller Boot Thread) [server]  JBAS015888: Criação de serviço de gerenciamento http usando o socket-binding (management-http)
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,623 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-2) [nio]  XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.0.13.GA-redhat-1
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,832 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-2) [remoting]  JBoss Remoting version 3.3.4.Final-redhat-1
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,856 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 37) [infinispan]  JBAS010280: Ativação do subsistema Infinispan.
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,898 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 49) [naming]  JBAS011800: Ativação do Subsistema de Nomeação
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,901 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 54) [security]  JBAS013371: Ativação do Subsistema de Segurança
ESC[0mESC[33m16:41:22,910 WARN  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 56) [txn]  JBAS010153: A propriedade de identificador do nó é configurado ao valor default. Por favor certifique-se de que isto é único.
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,929 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 45) [jsf]  JBAS012615: As seguintes implantações JSF foram ativadas: [main, 1.2]
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:22,966 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 38) [jacorb]  JBAS016300: Ativação do Subsistema JacORB
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:23,127 INFO  (ServerService Thread Pool -- 58) [webservices]  JBAS015537: Ativação da Extensão WebServices
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:23,296 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-1) [security]  JBAS013370: Versão =4.1.1.Final-redhat-1 PicketBox Atual
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:23,989 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-2) [logging]  JBAS010408: Inicialização JCA do Subsistema (IronJacamar 1.0.31.Final-redhat-1)
ESC[0mESC[0m16:41:24,148 INFO  (MSC service thread 1-1) [remoting]  JBAS017100: Escutando no
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