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Create search from custom timer events (mobile app)

New Poster



We have some custom timers in the code, and I wanted to create a search based on the timer name.


This is what I did:

SELECT timer FROM mobile_session_records WHERE timer.timername is not null AND timer.timername = "SaveItem"


However, the result is not filtering properly by timername. It is showing me entries for other timer names.


Then I tried this:

SELECT timer.timername FROM mobile_session_records WHERE timer.timername is not null AND timer.timername = "SaveItem"


And it looks like timer name is an array with a bunch of timer events in it, which is strange. This is an example of the response I got:


["LoadItem", "SaveItem"]

["Login", "SaveItem"]


Why does timer name contain multiple timer events?


Has anyone tried to create searches based on custom timers? How did you do it?



AppDynamics Team

Hello @Nabiilah.Fasih


Since its a list of timer values you could try a query such as SELECT timer FROM mobile_session_records WHERE timer.timername IN ("SaveItem") 

As for where there are multiple timer names - it is because for that particular user session record - multiple timer events occurred.