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To export/import dashboard from one controller to another controller


I am trying to export/import dashboard from one controller to another through Curl Command but getting error of invalid JSON format .As I have exported dashboard of another version(Dashboard Version 4.0) and I am importing it to another version(Dashboard Version 3.0). Invalid JSON format is coming when I am trying to import it.



Any help regarding import/export dashboard from 4.0 to 3.0?

Nawaz Ali.Mohammad
AppDynamics Team

Hi Chirag,


Do you see the same issue if you use the built in export and import functionality ?

Yes, same issue occurs ( invalid json format) using the inbuilt export/import functionality.

Nawaz Ali.Mohammad
AppDynamics Team

Hello Chirag,


The dashboards are not compatible across various versions of the controller. We have seen few attributes like:
"minHeight": 0,
"minWidth": 0,


Can you remove these attributes from the json file and try to import it?

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