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Sharing dashboards concerns

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I need to share a dashboard with a client.  The client would like to imbed this shared dashboard and not be challenged by the log in.  I cannot share the dashboard since there is no restriction on who can see it in the world.  Anyone solved this?


AppDynamics Team

Hi Bilke,


Sharing a controller-level custom dashboard makes the dashboard available to viewers who do not have AppDynamics accounts.


If the dashboard is shared, anyone who has been sent a direct link to the dashboard URL can view it.


If someone has the URL and the dashboard is not shared or no longer shared, they see a message that the resource is not available when they try to access that URL.


Unfortunately we do not have an option to restrict users from seeing it, as sharing would enable the users who got a link to view those dashboards.


Also There is no comparable sharing mechanism for external viewers without controller credentials to access tier- and node-level custom dashboards based on templates. To access these types of dashboards the user must be logged into the controller and have custom dashboard view permissions on the specific dashboard.


Please refer





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