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Community access restored to most members

I've been able to make some changes to restore community engagement access to most members.

Follow the blog post for up to date information

We thank you for your patience while we get this fixed

How to use a variable in DashStudio?


I'm very interested in using the dashboard variable feature. However, the documentation on how to use it is sparse (ref: I've tried to use it in both a metric and an ADQL query.

In the metric, it lets me choose the variable in the application dropwdown (i have it as an application) - but the 3rd linked dropdown does not activate. Note that I do have a default set.

In the ADQL query, I can't find a way to introduce the variable. My variable name is ChosenApp, which shows at the top as $ChosenApp, I've taken a valid query that produces data:

SELECT series(eventTimestamp, "30m"), count(*) FROM transactions where application = "RealAppName"

and tried to get it to take the variable - to no avail. Items I've tried replacing "RealAppName" with include:



I'm out of ideas on both and google was no additional help. Is anyone able to provide further instruction on what to try?



Hi Chris,


So sorry for your frustration here. We will look to improve the documentation. This should be the correct syntax: "${RealAppName}"


as in: SELECT series(eventTimestamp, "30m"), count(*) FROM transactions where application = "${RealAppName}"

That did it, marking as the answer.  Dang I was all around this answer - just not on it.

Can the variable also be used in a text box widget?

Hi Keith, This is not yet supported. We will go back and improve the Label widget soon.