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Getting Data from Transactions and Querying the Results

Hi Everyone!


I currently want to achieve the following:

  1. I want to get a data processed on transaction (an example would be employee ID) from a business transaction. I'm not quite sure if "Analytics" module is involved at this point. For example, the business transaction was made through HTTP, and the call has a field named employeeID with value of 112233. How can I breakdown the transaction and search for employeeID?
  2. With the goal achieved above, how do I use it to query on ADQL analytics?

I've been trying to figure out data collections. It's still quite unclear to me however, I understand that I need the class and method name to implement a data collector. How about the data that has been passed through HTTP? Is there any way to "dissect" the HTTP call? 


AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi Bryan. 

This is exactly what Analytics (Business IQ) is used for. You would utilize data collectors to do that. The method invocation data collector requires you to specify a return value, parameter, or invoked object so the agent knows what data to collect.

The HTTP request data collector lets you capture the following: