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Community access restored to most members

I've been able to make some changes to restore community engagement access to most members.

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Controller installation error in Windows



I am receving below error message on-premises controller installation on Winows 2012 r2 DC


Task failed: Read Controller version from MANIFEST.MF file on host: WDMBHNWP001 as user: WDMBHNWP001$ with message: File C:\AppDynamics\Platform\product/appserver/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/controller/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is not readable.
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INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.901] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Running job discover_upgrade with description
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.904] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Platform [Test] version - null
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.910] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 1, stage name Validating input parameters, stage id: 219
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.915] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 2, stage name Register Controller Lifecycle Listener before discovering, stage id: 220
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.921] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 3, stage name Initialize Controller cluster, stage id: 221
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.922] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.tasks.ClusterInitializeStage: Found service version '' for initialization in platform 2
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.929] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 4, stage name Add node to Controller Cluster, stage id: 222
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.989] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 5, stage name Load job inventory, stage id: 223
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:23.996] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 6, stage name Create cluster configuration, stage id: 224
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:24.001] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 7, stage name Save controller user configuration, stage id: 225
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:24.093] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 8, stage name Load Controller cluster configuration, stage id: 226
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:24.103] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Sequence number 9, stage name Run discover controller version playbook, stage id: 227
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:25.173] com.appdynamics.orcha.core.OrchaRunnerImpl: Running playbook C:\AppDynamics\Platform\platform-admin\conf\..\archives\platform-configuration\..\controller\\playbooks\discover-controller-version.orcha with variables file C:\AppDynamics\Platform\platform-admin\conf\..\archives\platform-configuration\..\controller\\playbooks\controller.groovy
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:25.179] com.appdynamics.orcha.core.executor.DefaultPlaybookExecutor: Executing : Get version properties file stat
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:25.261] com.appdynamics.orcha.core.executor.DefaultPlaybookExecutor: Executing : Read Controller version from properties file
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:25.335] com.appdynamics.orcha.core.executor.DefaultPlaybookExecutor: Executing : Read Controller build number from properties file
INFO [2019-12-08 09:11:25.405] com.appdynamics.orcha.core.executor.DefaultPlaybookExecutor: Executing : Read Controller version from MANIFEST.MF file
ERROR [2019-12-08 09:11:25.457] com.appdynamics.orcha.core.executor.DefaultPlaybookExecutor: Error executing task: TaskSpec[name=Read Controller version from MANIFEST.MF file,runLocal=false,localModule=false,ignoreErrors=false,registerOutputAs=discoveredControllerVersion,operationSpecList=[TextReadSpec[matchExpr=Implementation-Version:\s*Controller\s*v,excludeMatchedText=true,targetFile=C:\AppDynamics\Platform\product/appserver/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/controller/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF,encodingType=UTF_8,name=text_read,isLocalOperation=false,assertionSpecList=[]]],taskSshTimeout=7200000,heartbeatInterval=60,longRunningInitInterval=500,longRunningPollInterval=1000,longRunningWriteInterval=200,async=false,longRunning=false,updateThreshold=30,uid=<null>,deleteDir=true,separateProcess=false]
ERROR [2019-12-08 09:11:25.498] com.appdynamics.orcha.core.OrchaRunnerImpl: Error executing:
ERROR [2019-12-08 09:11:25.550] com.appdynamics.platformadmin.core.job.JobProcessor: Platform/Job [2/f197e951-cc95-4e9b-9a4c-07d85030f4c2]: Stage [Run discover controller version playbook] failed due to [Task failed: Read Controller version from MANIFEST.MF file on host: WDMBHNWP001 as user: WDMBHNWP001$ with message: File C:\AppDynamics\Platform\product/appserver/glassfish/domains/domain1/applications/controller/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF is not readable.]



Now receving below error message:


c:\AppDynamics\Platform\platform-admin\bin>platform-admin.exe cli submit-job --service controller --job i
nstall --args controllerPrimaryHost=localhost controllerAdminUsername=admin controllerAdminPassword=password controllerRootUserPassword=password newDatabaseRootPassword=password newDatabaseUserPassword=password controllerDBHost=localhost controllerProfile=demo

(* Can u please help to understand the controller user, is it aplication user or do we need windows user and accordingly password)
( 1/132) Validating input parameters: SUCCESS
( 2/132) Register Controller Lifecycle Listener before installing: SUCCESS
( 3/132) Initialize Controller cluster: SUCCESS
( 4/132) Add nodes to Controller Cluster: SUCCESS
( 5/132) Load job inventory: SUCCESS
( 6/132) Extract Controller configuration from user input: SUCCESS
( 7/132) Set defaults for the controller config: SUCCESS
( 8/132) Check and set default values for non-configuration properties: SUCCESS
( 9/132) Set JRE Version: SUCCESS
( 10/132) Set keystore password: SUCCESS
( 11/132) Save controller user configuration: SUCCESS
( 12/132) Load Controller cluster configuration: SUCCESS
( 13/132) Validate Controller configuration: SUCCESS
( 14/132) Overwrite property values: SUCCESS
( 15/132) MySQL prerequisites: Check if database port is available
( 15/132) MySQL prerequisites: Fail if database port is unavailable
( 15/132) MySQL prerequisites: Verify if the required database directories exist
( 15/132) MySQL prerequisites: Get stats of required directories for database
( 15/132) MySQL prerequisites: Check if the required database directories are writable
( 15/132) MySQL prerequisites: SUCCESS
( 16/132) Controller database prerequisites: Get stats of data directories for database
( 16/132) Controller database prerequisites: Check if the required data directories have sufficient space

( 16/132) Controller database prerequisites: SUCCESS
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Check total RAM on controller host
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Check available RAM on controller host
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Check total number of processors
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Verify if the required directories exist
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Get stats of required directories
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Check if the required directories are writable
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Check if the required directories have sufficient space
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Check for a crucial windows hotfix
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Check for .NET Framework 3.5
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Fail if .Net Framework 3.5 is not there
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Check if controller and reporting service ports are available
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: Fail if ports are unavailable
( 17/132) Controller prerequisites: SUCCESS
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Creating staging directory
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Copying MySQL binaries to the remote host
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Unpacking database binaries
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Copying MySQL timezone script to the mysql host
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Populating MySQL timezone tables
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Creating MySql logs directory
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Register as a service if on Windows
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Update service description
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Updating database configuration file
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Comment out innodb_flush_method if it does not have a value
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Set user to be current user on host
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Generating database privileges tables
( 24/132) Install MySQL: Setting read only permissions for the SSL key file
( 24/132) Install MySQL: SUCCESS
( 25/132) Get MySQL version: Querying for database version
( 25/132) Get MySQL version: Parsing and registering database version
( 25/132) Get MySQL version: SUCCESS
( 26/132) Update MySQL cluster member version: SUCCESS
( 27/132) Run playbook to determine system timezone: Creating staging directory
( 27/132) Run playbook to determine system timezone: Copying MySQL timezone util to the mysql host
( 27/132) Run playbook to determine system timezone: Determine java home for executing timezone util
( 27/132) Run playbook to determine system timezone: Determine system timezone
( 27/132) Run playbook to determine system timezone: FAILED
Job failed to execute.
Failure occurred: Run playbook to determine system timezone
Error message:
Task failed: Determine system timezone
on host: WDMBHNWP001
as user: WDMBHNWP001$
with message: Command cmd /c C:/AppDynamics/Platform/product\jre\1.8.0_212/bin/java -jar C:/AppDynamics/P
latform/product/controller/staging/mysql-timezone-util.jar --current failed with exit code 1 and stdout
and stderr Error: could not open `C:\AppDynamics\Platform\product\jre\1.8.0_212\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'