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Profile "Demo" mismatched to "Medium" causes Disk Storage needs to allocate 5TB, instead of 50GB. Results in error message: insufficient disk space.



    I practice the PoC/PoV lab exercise under Black Belt Stage 2 course. When installed controller, it showed the disk storage needed is 5120 MB which is for Medium profile (5TB), instead the chosen Demo profile (50GB). Anyone can give advice to my issue ? Thanks.           Jonathan Wang, 2024/07/31



Error messages:

Task failed: Check if the required data directories have sufficient space

on host: appd-server

as user: root

with message: The destination directory has insufficient disk space. You need a minimum of 51200 MB for installation.


AppDynamics Team

Hello @Jonathan.Wang 、

To install demo profile controller, 50GB = 51200 MB Disk Space is required. Please make sure to allocate sufficient disk space. Or if you need to skip the disk space requirement, you can update the configuration file.


  1. Locate the Configuration File:

    • For the demo profile controller, the file is likely in the path:

  2. Edit the Disk Space Property:

    • Update the property ”controller_data_min_disk_space_in_mb" to a lower disk space number. For example:
      controller_data_min_disk_space_in_mb = 2000 * 1024

Note: This manual configuration is intended for test purposes only and may not be suitable for production environments.

Additional Information:

Hope this helps.


Hi Martina,

    Thanks for response. It sounds no reason that my appd-server host does have sufficient disk storage (50GB) because I reserve 500GB disk for this server. To bypass this issue, I tried reducing the disk storage parameter value to "5 * 1024", and it succeeded. Now I can successfully run the AppDynamics Controller.

controller_data_min_disk_space_in_mb = 5 * 1024


Update my TYPO as:   ... It sounds no reason that my appd-server host does not have sufficient disk storage (50GB) ...

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