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Cannot add DB performance metric in "Metric Value" widget of dashboard

Not applicable

Good Morning All,


I want to create a dashboard to represent values of some DB performance metrics which are available in the metric browser. When I chose "Metric Value" widget, I don't see "Performance" metric group listed to add as a metric to display but the same is available in the metric browser. The only metric groups available in "Metric Value" widget are, "Custom Metric, Hardware Resources, and KPI". But when I chose a different widget type e.g. "Timeseries Graph", the "Performance" metric group is available to use.


The exact metric which I want to represent using metric value widget, in this case, is "Buffer Cache Hit Ratio" and its full path is, "Databases|CISM-PROD-ARRPRD|Performance|Buffer Cache Hit Ratio"


Can anyone please explain the reason behind it?


Please see attached screenshots for reference.




Mukesh Singh





You should not select Database Type as "All".  Select the correct DB. In my case its "Micorsoft SQL server".  If you select "All" it wont dispaly only the common KPIs

