I installed standalone machine agent on a linux host along with Java appagent monitoring a standalone java process. But the machine agent is not collecting any OS metrics. I can see the machine agent is reporting to the controller console. Do we need...
Ok. After starting the maching agent with the account which run the Elastic serach process, it worked. Without any userId and password in the config file. I can see some custom metrics being collected now.
I want to install the PHP agent in Multi-App/Single-Server (MASS) Environments using the install.sh. Could someone please adise how to run the install?.
How can I bypass the required settings on the command-line(shell script install)?. Please advise....
Didn't really understand what you mean by "encryptionKey is common to all the passwords in the config.yml". I thought this is something we are setting it for each password while running the jar utility.
Command: java -cp "appd-exts-commons-1.1.2.ja...
Iam getting below error in the machineagent log. I did set the encryptionKey
[Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-1] 11 Jul 2017 06:01:41,082 INFO Http4ClientBuilder - Creating the auth scope for URI [http://localhost:9200][Agent-Monitor-Scheduler-1] 11 Jul 201...