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03-16-2024 04:34 AM
Hi everyone,
Unfortunately, you cannot display data more than 10K on the dashboard using ES queries.
So the only way to do it is from the API.
We want automation to find the last 24h visits every day just by running a script and sending an email with the results daily using Cronjob
I made a script to get the total number of Nusuk website visits using AppDynamics API as it’s the only way to get the number.
1- I had to find a way to automate the script to find the current date and time in UNIX format
2- Then, call the API with the right parameters to get the scrollID.
3- Lastly, call the API again to get the Visits number.
Script tasks:
today=$(date +"%s.%3N" | awk '{printf "%d%03d\n", $1, substr($2,1,3)}')
yesterday=$(date -d "yesterday" +"%s.%3N" | awk '{printf "%d%03d\n", $1, substr($2,1,3)}')
scrollid=$(curl -s -X POST "<ES-IP>:9080/events/query?start=${yesterday}&end=${today}" -H"X-Events-API-Key:<your-Key>" -H"X-Events-API-AccountName:<customer-ID>" -H"Content-Type:application/;v=2" -H"Accept:application/;v=2" -d"[{ \"query\": \"SELECT * FROM web_session_records\", \"mode\": \"scroll\"}]" | grep -oP '(?<="scrollid":").*?(?=",)')
curlout=$(curl -s -i \
-H "Accept: application/;v=2" \
-H "Content-Type:application/;v=2" \
-H "X-Events-API-Key:<your-key>" \
-H "X-Events-API-AccountName:<customer-ID>" \
-d "[{ \"query\": <ES_IP>\"SELECT count(*) FROM web_session_records\", \"mode\": \"scroll\", \"scrollid\":\"$scrollid\"}]" \
-X POST "http://<ES_IP>:9080/events/query?start=${yesterday}&end=${today}")
echo "$curlout" | grep -o '"results":\[\[[0-9]*\]\]' | cut -d "[" -f3 | cut -d "]" -f1
You can get the variables from:
1- Account name
From the license page on the Contoller UI
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