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AppDynamics Team

Happy New Year! Cloud native applications are now ubiquitous in IT environments. But the value your business derives from an application depends largely on IT’s ability to observe and optimize the app’s critical business transactions.

Unfortunately, that’s far easier said than done. Until now. 

Join us for our upcoming January 19 webinar and discover how business transaction insights — our latest addition to AppDynamics Cloud — can help you achieve the visibility and context you need to optimize digital experiences at scale. Learn how you can monitor application health using data streams from OpenTelemetry™ and AWS CloudWatch™.

We’ll explore: 

  • How AppDynamics Cloud can help you simplify cloud native observability.
  • Why business context is critical to maximizing the value of an application.
  • Strategies to optimize digital experiences at scale with OpenTelemetryTM and AWS CloudWatchTM.


Register!AMER: January 19, 2023 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET
EMEA: January 24, 2023 at 10:00am GMT / 11:00am CET