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AppDynamics Team

We’re excited to announce a new and improved Download experience: We're combining the download site with Accounts to provide a consistent experience and only one URL to remember.

We want to ensure the artifacts you’d like to download are easily visible and are confident these updates will improve your downloading experiences. At the same time, moving to Accounts has given us a sleek and intuitive modern UI. 

NOTE: If you programmatically download products into your CI/CD pipelines, there is no impact to you. If you want to learn more about how to download programmatically, please read  Download AppDynamics Software.


Table of Contents



We implemented personalization so you'll only see artifacts that are relevant to you. If you're a SaaS customer, you'll only see the Agents download. If you're an on-premises customer, you'll see the Agents and Platform tabs, where we combined everything on-premises customers might need to download, such as the Controller, Event Service, and EUM server.

We also provide pre-selection personalization of agent and platform types. Every time you log in, we’ll provide your last agent or platform selection. Personalization will help you find what you’re looking for quickly and efficiently.


Coming Soon! Controller Compatibility

We have provided the Compatible with the Controller version filter to facilitate showing you the latest version of the agent(s) that you need to download. Now, you’ll only see what is relevant based on the filter selections you make.


Download Methods

If you programmatically download products into your CI/CD pipelines, there is no impact to you. If you want to learn more about how to download programmatically, please read  Download AppDynamics Software. Our new UI will also help if you're going to download an agent directly from a server using cURL. 

NOTE: cURL capability is available as of August 2020.


Our Goal

We want to ensure the artifacts you’d like to download are easily visible. We’re confident that these updates will improve your downloading experiences.

Please read the FAQ to learn more…  And, if you have questions and comments, we’d love to hear from you!